Blue Moon Punch

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Relationship Reading for Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook (Part 2)

Subject: Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook

Performed: March 11, 2020

Original Post Date: March 21, 2020

Video Version Uploaded: August 26, 2021

Spread: Relationships and Connections by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Linestrider Deck and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 2 hours

Details: The Relationships & Connections reading is designed to showcase the romantic, platonic, or familial relationship between two people and put their connection into perspective by presenting what is gained and from the relationship as well as the highest potential of it.


Read Part 1: Relationship Reading for Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook (P1)


Not too long ago, I did an energy check-up for Jimin and Kook and saw that, compared to where they were when I did their original relationship reading, which was in 2018, they are in a completely different realm of balance and connection. Between then and now I’ve done nearly a million updates and energy check-ups for them upon request and they’ve seemingly have been regularly riding the wave of Jimin’s “dark sun/light sun” cycle, which I talked about in length in his Elemental Alignment reading and the original relationship reading, so even though the most recent check-up may seem small and insignificant, it’s actually such a massive showcase of the individual integration process and detachment that was occurring throughout the soul body and within all seven of the guys.

I won’t go too much into all of that, but I definitely want to talk about their individual core energies because shit got really interesting with this reading and it almost felt like reading a really long novel and getting towards the end where you start to recognize all the previous bit of foreshadowing and everything just starts clicking. It might get a little scattered as I explain because I want to make sure I get all the details down for you, although, thankfully, I don’t think it will be quite as complicated as the original reading was.

To begin, I was kind of nervous going into the reading because I haven’t really done any big, major readings for anyone in BTS that wasn’t completely performed through energy observation. Since the integration process of the soul body healing and all of that (which you can read about here if you’re interested) is finished and the individual energy centers have separated completely, I figured now was a great time to actually see if I could get into their cores and actually read from a more solid position. I was definitely trying to take things slow and not trying to force my way in just in case there was some “unfinished business” or some kind of instability lingering from the previous states, but there wasn’t.

The connection was almost instant after I made my intentions clear, which were to “observe from the inside” the connection and energetic balance between the two of them. I was expecting something to happen similar to the original reading where I would literally see their energies mixing, but that’s not what happened at all. Instead, I was getting yanked more into Kook’s energy, more into his core.

For a while, I was kind of trying to pull back into my own space in order to do the reading the way I had intended, but I suddenly had this overwhelming curiosity of what the inside of his core actually looked like now, and at that point I just sort of let things happen and let things move on their own and only ever really tried to maneuver myself towards the end when I was starting to get a bit overstimulated and just wanted to move on.

So, basically, I got yanked into Kook’s core and it looks exactly as it did the very first time I ever had any visuals for him. He had this little castle thing with lots of windows, similar to what I saw with Taehyung. Everything felt the same, very open and I literally couldn’t stop smiling because of how bright and cheerful everything seemed. The only major difference between now and the first time I saw the inside of his core was that Kook wasn’t standing right there in front of the little castle waiting for people to show. That was such a huge point in his previous state.

It was really interesting because I didn’t really see him at all, it was more like this odd figure — Jimin actually appeared like this as well — that definitely resembled Kook, but it didn’t at the same time. The best way I can describe it is if someone were to do a painting of Kook with oil paints, like him just standing there in plain jeans and one of them big, giant white shirts, and then take a dry brush and just smear the canvas. You can still make out the image, but it’s whispy and distorted, not fully formed as a person. 

The next thing that caught my eye was this big ass mountain way off in the distance which really confused me. It seemed so familiar and I actually couldn’t remember where I saw it before, thinking it might have been something I saw in one of their music videos or something. Then I remembered that his reading that I did in 2018 at the end of November for the big BTS event thing, his Internal Alignment, his core energy was completely fucked. I described in great detail in that reading, so if you want full context, it might be beneficial to read through that one as well.

Basically, in that reading, everything in Kook’s core had disappeared and was replaced with this horrible, gloomy, dark atmosphere and far off I could see these rocks piling up into a mountain. It was a whole thing about him desperately trying to build up some kind of new foundation for himself after his internal reality, the one related to and reliant on external connections had collapsed. That same mountain, fully formed, is still there now, it’s just… not dark and sad. It’s like everything fell apart, he built the mountain, and once the mountain was there, he was able to recreate the whole world around it, just on his own foundations.

Then he started going on about random stuff which I hardly caught any of it as I’m not the best at picking up anything auditory or verbal in deep readings like this, but I do remember something about yellow birds, or yellow birds flying around the mountain (which he seemed very happy about), and then he pointed out, and then one of my guides also pointed out, that the sun was sitting on the top of the mountain. Then I think I heard him say, “always there,” as in, “it’s always there,” — The sun is always there, right at the tip of the mountain and my Guides showed me something that suggested that this is so no shadows are cast in this world. 

Then it was a whole ass process to actually walk to the mountain. Yes… I had to WALK to the mountain. None of this fancy teleporting that you might be used to in the astral, oh no, no, no. You gotta WALK TO THE MOUNTAIN FAR OVER YONDER.

Kook was babbling on the whole time, I have no idea what he was talking about, didn’t even write any of it down, but I do remember that I kept smiling because of it and at one point I almost laughed myself out of meditation, so you come to your own conclusions on that I suppose.

Because I had remembered the Internal Alignment reading where the mountain itself was being built, I paid very close attention to the actual surface of the mountain. I remembered how jagged the rocks had looked and now it really is just one solid structure, and the surface was very smooth, even super shiny at some point. 

There was a path that led up to the very top of the mountain where there was a loft kind of situation. Really it was like the tip of the mountain had been leveled and these two lawn chairs had been propped up there. Again Kook started talking about stuff, and I think he was trying to explain what everything there was but I couldn’t really hear him, like literally, nothing was registering with me. One of my Guides popped in and said, “he’s saying this is the space between.”

Still wasn’t getting it, but then I looked up at where the “sun” was and, turns out, it’s not the sun. I mean, it is, but it’s a little second sun named Park Jimin. Or, more accurately, it’s a little second sun named Park Jimin’s portal into the fucking Nether.

At this point, it finally dawns on me as to why I was getting yanked into Kook’s core at the beginning of the reading. This is the only way to actually get access to Jimin’s core at the current moment. This was concerning, but I was like, eh, as long as he hasn’t gone and split his core in half like a certain Capricorn some of you may know, then I’m sure it’s fine. 

FYI, as I was coming to these conclusions and trying to figure out what was going on and what I was looking at, I was actively being shoved by Kook (joyfully and with fervor) into the little sun portal thing. Quite a funny feeling going from one core to another and not knowing what the hell is going on. It felt like I walked through a doorway and then immediately started falling down a hole.

But I did end up in Jimin’s world and it didn’t look that different from the last time I really observed it from the inside, which was way back when I did his Elemental Alignment reading. Actually, let me explain how this all looked visually.

So, Jimin had that same smeared-paint kind of look to him, but he was wearing this big raincoat, hood up and everything. It was black, and the “paint” was black but the outline of it was like neon lights. Very hard to explain it, but maybe more like a reflective thread that was catching different colored lights that I couldn’t see. For some reason I wrote it down as being like veins, I think because the colors were changing repetitively like a pulse.

I couldn’t see his face at all, but it was definitely him and he was just kind of standing there, and around him, these flowers would kind of “draw themselves” around him in the same neon lights or neon threads, and then disappear. They were very faint though. I described them in my notes as “looped animations of children’s flowers.” 

Again, this world looked similar to what Jimin had before, but at the same time it seemed a lot bigger, but not in a way where it felt more open. The best way I can describe it is like ten or so glass boxes being mashed together randomly. It can look quite big from the inside as you look through all the clear glass, but if you walk too far in one direction, you’ll hit a wall. These boxes were all quite small, each no bigger than many a good-sized living room, nothing something you would expect for a whole world.

Once I took note of that, took note of all of these “boxes” and the fact that it was storming but the rain wasn’t hitting us, I heard Jimin say, “these are the bones.” Compared to Kook I was able to hear Jimin a lot more clearly. 

I then started noticing that there were what seemed to me to be remnants of the other guys’ cores, or like little trinkets that made me think of their old cores, and so I asked if his world looked like this because of the separation of the soul body. 

  • In case you forgot, Jimin was the heart of the soul body and was what was holding everyone together. Out of everyone on a soul level, he was the most opposed to separating fully as a heart tends to lose its purpose without a body to pump blood through, and also it’s like losing family that you’ve lived with for a long time. There’s a lot of emotional connections there.

He did respond but I didn’t hear it, I told him I couldn’t hear him, and then he just knelt down and ran his hand over the ground. The ground was covered in ash and sand. He held it up to me and then said something else that I didn’t catch. Again, one of my Guides chimed in and said something along the lines of “existing within the worlds of the others,” and then someone else said very clearly (I don’t think it was Jimin and it wasn’t one of my Guides), “he took the storm from Jungkook and gave it to himself.”

Once again, severely confused until I remembered that it had been dark in Kook’s core in the Internal Alignment because it was storming. It wasn’t raining then, but the sky was completely covered by black clouds. So, the different “boxes” that make up this crazy collage of worlds each belong to one of the other guys. It’s their “bones,” the bones of the now-deceased soul body, their old cores, old shells. Very fucking interesting.

Jimin spoke again and said something about building flowers, or his world would be flowers, or he’s putting flowers somewhere. I came to the conclusion that those neon animations of flowers were very light projections of what he wants his world to be and that raincoat that is pulsing with the same colors carries that energy. I was then shown that he has planted flowers in the ashy, sandy soil but according to the mystery voice, “storm, fire, wind, suffocation, glass, and fragmentation” have made it impossible for anything to grow in his world.

  • Post-Reading Note: As I was editing this reading, I started trying to think of who each of these words went with. I figured the storm was Kook because that was already mentioned, fire was Hoseok since the worse state his core was ever in had to do with being overloaded with fire during the soul body manipulation, fragmentation is probably Taehyung with his split core, and suffocation is probably Namjoon as the biggest detriment he faced was the inability to speak and freely express himself and move around. I feel like glass might be Yoongi but I’m not entirely sure, so between Jin and Yoongi, glass and wind are up for grabs I guess.

I then got annoyed with this situation because this seemed too much like something that I had seen for him before, something I hadn’t written about in his EA reading, which involved a lot of this odd shame and inferiority kind of mental space within his core. Basically, it manifests there as everything being horrifically massive and seemingly uncontrollable to Jimin. In his original core there was this massive, giant screen that would play multiple videos (mostly based around trauma and shame) at once and the entire time I was there, Jimin was nearly killing himself trying to run around and jump in order to cover everything. It was impossible to do, but literally, it’s his world, nothing should be impossible.

So, I got a little snippy and was like, you can just knock this shit down if you want, they’re not yours. (I mean, I said a lot more, but whatever). Then he walked over to one of the walls on the left and pointed at something on the other side. In the “box” on the left, it was a world completely made of water, like the glass box was full of water which I assume was Yoongi’s because #PiscesLyfe, and inside was this gigantic, massive, huge treasure chest. It was sitting wide open, completely empty and it looked all rotted and rusted.

There was a very odd and choppy conversation that followed, but basically, these different worlds are, in fact, his now because he’s taken them from the others and basically put some of his own stuff inside of them that line up with what they were originally built to store. Kind of complicated, but the empty treasure chest is a lack of fulfillment, a lack of emotional fulfillment specifically, and it is appearing to him as being too big to ever fill, like it’s impossible to be truly happy in that inner world. Surprisingly, this didn’t come off as super negative as it sounds.

I asked more questions about what was going on and why things were the way they were in regard to his state following the separation. Got some solid answers, got some responses that completely went over my head and down the drain, but most of it wasn’t all that relevant to the reading anyway.

When I was kind of starting to get frustrated and tense with being in a deep headspace for that long I got pushed out of Jimin’s world, but in a very interesting way. When I started to head off he went over to that water wall and stuck his hand through it, walked over to me, put his hand on my head, and then dropped a little neon light fish into my brain. Literally. Then that fish swam down into my chest, exploded, and all of these flowers just started popping up on me and around me and I was like, uhhh, thanks?

And then I got shoved out. 

Then I was back on top of the mountain, adorned in my fabulous flower nonsense and Kook was there but I wasn’t really taking things in at this point. I was very tired, very confused, and something was kind of holding my tongue. Like I couldn’t speak and I couldn’t really think either. I was trying to process everything right in my head, but I just couldn’t. And then I heard Kook say, “where he sleeps.” I think he was saying that inside the sun portal thing is where Jimin sleeps, and at some point, I inferred he hadn’t actually been inside, which meant Jimin was pulling his old shenanigans and trying to hide the dark sun, which means that the flowers that I had been wrapped up in were nothing more than a trick to be like, “oh wow, look how fun it is inside the sun portal, look at all these flowers, it’s so wonderful.” 

If I had to really draw my own conclusions, I bet soul-Jimin told soul-Kook that he was building a world of flowers and he wasn’t allowed to see it until he’s done when really Jimin’s world is a scary mash-up of all the worst qualities of the other guys’ previous states… 

At one point before I actually left Kook’s core I did ask if he knew. You know, wink wink, nudge nudge, Jimin’s in a hellscape. And he said “it’s where he sleeps,” again, so… I don’t know maybe Jimin runs around in Kook’s core during the day and then just “sleeps” in his world, I don’t fucking know.

So after all of this nonsense had come to an end and I could actually sit there and think about shit more consciously, I fucking figured out what the hell is going on.

Basically, the collapse in reality that Kook experienced when he lost all those energy lines and then started building that mountain is the exact same thing that Jimin is going through in his core. It’s a shadow period, a literal dark night of the soul. That’s why it wasn’t coming off so negative. One, he’s aware of what’s going on he just needs to work through it, and two, Kook has already done it and is housing Jimin’s core while he does the same thing. Kook is helping Jimin, Kook is LEADING. If you read the original relationship reading you might know why that is absolutely amazing in every way.

But yeah, very cool.

All while I was doing the core walk-throughs and such I was shuffling my deck. Not much actually came out other than these two cards below and Death.

These cards were very interesting because of when and how they came out. Right when I started getting yanked into Kook’s core, the Ace of Wands came out. I’ve explained before the significance of the Ace of Wands and The Fool and their connection to the Page of Wands when it comes to Kook. It’s his soul drive, his purest will. It’s very independent energy, very stable for him. Right when I got into Jimin’s core, the Ace of Pentacles came out. 

I know it’s kind of hard to see but there are mountains in the background of both cards and the actual pentacle in the image is like the sun, the sun on the mountains. Along with that, the image is within a garden of flowers with strong hedges. So, quite literally, these cards were physically displaying and reflecting the core energies as I was going into them on an unconscious level.

I just thought that was really interesting.

Death never really came out of the deck, but it kept popping up or peaking out of the deck and stopping me from shuffling smoothly as I was trying to process everything that I saw in Jimin’s core. Then everything clicked when I thought about the Sun, Jimin’s Sun, Libra, Death, Scorpio, 7th House transitioning the 8th House, Scorpio destroying the reality of Libra, me falling through a hole to get to Jimin’s world. 

To clarify, I understand the progression of the Houses in terms of soul progression of an individual to reach a major climax between the 7th House and the 8th House. Libra’s lower level social conformity and assimilation, a false sense of security and a loosely formed reality reliant on the validation of others, is destroyed by all of what has been intentionally ignored or hidden away in order to ensure a perfect reality. I often describe this as Libra living in a bubble floating around in the clouds believing nothing can ever go wrong, and then suddenly a rogue thorn comes flying through and the bubble pops, and Libra falls down into a dark, murky, tar-filled hole. This hole is full of fear, self-hatred, trauma, shame, abandonment, isolation, and so on. Some people either suffer here forever or they learn to process it on their own and eventually crawl out. When they do, they enter the 9th House of Sagittarius. Scorpio destroys, and Sagittarius creates, it builds new worlds. I’m sure you get the picture now.

Kook’s world collapsed because it had been built on the fantasy that external connections were his only salvation, so when he hit a roadblock on that, everything completely collapsed and he had to go through a dark period of isolation that then led to him rebuilding something entirely brand new. I mean, it still looks the same, but that’s just because he’s sentimental.

Jimin’s world collapsed because, on a soul level (and maybe consciously as well) he was still hoping the separation wouldn’t happen, was fully convincing himself that his purpose is purely in the group, purely in the soul body, so when it separated completely, his world collapsed. The “bones” that are left are his to process now, which is why different aspects of himself are starting to manifest in each one, such as the empty treasure chest in the water world.

It’s kind of sad, but this is just part of the personal, individual soul progression. Everyone has to move through something like this at some point in order to move forward and expand. Think of a baby bird that has to destroy its eggshell to get out into the world and fly. Either that or they just stay stuck in the 8th House. At the very least, we know for sure that Jimin’s soul has an idea of what he wants his world to look like. Lots and lots and lots of flowers.

Because of everything else, I only did a very simplistic reading with the cards to kind of paint myself a picture of what the cores are like for both of them, pretty much just looking for confirmation of what I already had written down in my notebook.

Kook’s side only had The Chariot, which is perfectly on point in terms of the independent leadership and control that he has now, as well as the association with the 9th House in terms of soul progression as I associate The Chariot with Sagittarius. 

On Jimin’s side, this did clear some stuff up. He has The Fool, a new, but slightly unsure, beginning with rocky foundations. Alongside that is The Tower with the reversed Wheel of Fortune. The Tower is that collapse in reality, but it’s something completely outside of his control as it was in relation to the other six energy centers detaching from the body which suggests that the time he had to prepare for it with the others was spent in denial or in trying to stop it in some way, however, The Fool suggests that in spite of the collapse there is a solid effort being made to face it for what it is now. The reversed Wheel of Fortune is showing that there is a pause or a slow progression with this situation in his core. A lot of it, I assume, has to do with the obstacles still appearing as these massive figures that seem impossible to overcome, which has to do with a lingering distorted perception of these matters within himself.

The Reading:

So, overall their worlds are entirely separate, their energies feel entirely separated, as they should at this point, but they still have this meeting place at the top of this mountain inside of Kook’s core. There was some stuff that I heard that kind of explained why there was still that connection and it has to do with those many, many, many layers of connection that they were shown to have in the previous relationship reading. 

In a sense, it’s like Jimin, on a soul level, really can’t process the idea of separating from the body or being separated from all of them, and the only one that he could still connect to on a soul level right now would be Kook since Kook, on a conscious level, is isolating his inner world, has reformed it, and is acting more independently. It has to do with that balance thing that I’ve talked about before where, because of their soul connections, if they seem extremely close on the surface, they are distancing themselves on a soul level to avoid merging. The same is done the other way around where if they seem distant on the surface, they were probably working very closely on a soul level. This is most evident between Namjoon and Yoongi, Yoongi and Hoseok, Hoseok and Jimin and Jimin and Kook when they were previously following Jimin’s “light sun/dark sun” cycle.

As far as I know, what should be happening is that they are separated on a soul level and should be separated consciously, and that feeling of being separated would draw them together more superficially, have them flow better together as a group. It’s a real back and forth, flip-flop kind of thing. 

Basically, Jimin’s world is within Kook’s world, or at least there’s a portal to it, because one, he put it there, and two, it’s blocked off from everything else, purely isolated, but not purely formed on its own. It seems like everyone else had their inner shadow period while they were still part of the soul body, and I would assume if there was anything similar to this for them, they would have done this within Jimin’s world, which might be why there are “bones” of their old worlds within Jimin’s. He was the heart of the soul body, and at one point before I fully understood what the soul body was, I referred to him as the “infirmary.” It’s where they would go to heal. The only one I really observed for that was Hoseok.

In spite of everything, Jimin still seems to be hiding stuff from Kook. Hiding his world even though he knows that Kook knows what’s really going on. There’s really no need to hide the fact that his world is broken or that things are difficult internally (which is why the Sun can stay up, there’s no shame in any of this now), but he still tries to present a different picture on the outside, perhaps give the impression that he’s not finding it as difficult as he is. When I brought this up he said something that I only caught a bit of, “what you do.” As in, “it’s what you do,” it’s what you do for people, you don’t put your problems on other people, specifically, parents don’t put their problems on their children, older siblings don’t put their problems on their younger siblings. That’s kind of what was being pushed out there. This gave me the sense that the port that Jimin is using to be within Kook’s world, to heal within Kook’s world is the same port or line of connection that Kook had used to be within Jimin’s world, which aligns with the layer in which there was more of a child/parent connection. 

This leads to what the first set of the reading shows.

Energetic Contributions To The Relationship:

Jimin: Ace of Wands (rev.) | Wheel of Fortune | Seven of Cups

Kook: Knight of Swords (rev.)

The first two cards that came out for Jimin were the reversed Ace of Wands and the Wheel of Fortune. Seem familiar? In the energy reading, or I suppose the meditation and channeling session, Kook’s core was presented as the Ace of Wands upright, showing his independence and leadership within his own space, his maturity. In the energy reading, Jimin’s core state was shown with The Fool and The Tower, showing an embracing of the collapse of his inner reality, but the Wheel of Fortune was shown in reverse to suggest that the movement of the process was extremely slow or completely stopped.

Jimin is projecting into the relationship that Kook is not independent and is not mature, and that he himself is moving through his inner processes perfectly fine and relatively fast. He’s lying, basically. He’s lying with the Wheel of Fortune but he’s lying BECAUSE he doesn’t see Kook as the Ace of Wands, he still doesn’t see him an independent person, as an adult. Once again, I need to reiterate that Jimin was the heart of the body, he held everyone together, in a sense, you could look at him as the mother of the body, the nurturer. I’m sure in some capacity, he feels this way about everyone, but Kook is literally the youngest physically and was the first one to detach or the first to anchor into the physical reality. He required more care than anyone, and that manifested strongly into his conscious personality, meaning this soul connection is affirmed consciously. It’s a hard one to break.

The Seven of Cups came out when I asked for clarification as to why he’s still “lying” or trying to hide his actual state from Kook in spite of the fact that he’s existing within Kook’s world. The image on the card right away snapped me back to that feeling of falling down a hole into Jimin’s world where everything had collapsed. The pink paint on the card that drips upward is like the murky tar feeling, while the broken glass the floats above the woman in the image is the actual broken reality. The Seven of Cups is also associated with illusions and fantasy, broken or unreal expectations. So, it’s quite simple really. Jimin, on a soul level, thought this would be easy once it actually happened but he’s overwhelmed with the fact that because he took on everyone else’s problems, he now has a lot more to work through before he can actually build up a new world. 

Compared to Kook, who seemed to start building that mountain out of desperation right away, Jimin is very behind, but definitely keep in mind that people can be in the process for years and years, and that’s perfectly fine. The longer it takes the more sure you can be of yourself and your position. Jimin is very aware of what is going on as well, unlike before where he was in so much denial, even on a conscious level, that he would “forget” about the dark sun mode that he had once it passed, yet would actively try to hide it. So, there’s no need to worry about this, as far as I know, this isn’t really affecting him consciously other than the fact that the lack of shame is allowing the “light sun” to be the dominant energy on a conscious level.

So, yeah, maybe it’s because Jimin still thinks of Kook as his child, maybe it’s because Jimin still takes his role as the heart very seriously and doesn’t want anyone else to help him, or maybe it’s because he’s just a little embarrassed over the mess that’s in his core, maybe it’s a little of everything. Either way, he wants Kook to think he’s already got flowers growing even though he hasn’t even fixed the soil yet.

On Kook’s end, he’s projecting the reversed Knight of Swords, which is a fine energy, I suppose. It’s so interesting to me because this whole situation kind of mirrors the previous handling of the dark sun mode, but they’re much more aware and much more active with it? I don’t know how to explain it. 

This has nothing to do with them, it’s just an example of what this feels like, but it’s like someone is dealing with an addiction. They’re in denial, coming into really bad situations, hurting themselves, hurting people around them, and then you have that one person who’s always very watchful over the situation, but has absolutely no idea what to do even when things get so bad that they think the other person will die. Then that person overdoses, they do actually almost die. They live, but they have to go to rehab for months, and when they go home, they live with that watchful person. There’s embarrassment, but there is also this awareness and space between them. Like the addict knows the other person is always monitoring them, is always asking specific questions to check the mood and head space, and it’s annoying, but they let them because they understand why it’s happening. The watchful person wants this person to always be open to talking, always be open to receiving help, but there are times where that person says they’re fine when they’re not, or locks themselves in their room for a day, and that person lets them because they understand too.

There’s just a lot of, “I get it,” between them when certain lies are being told now. It’s not this weird “playing pretend” sort of situation anymore. It’s more mature, it’s more balanced, it’s more equal, and for Jimin to literally be in a space where he still sees himself as the healer, the nurturer, the parent, it’s a bit difficult to have to come into this space of pure balance where he can, in fact, lean on Kook, or anyone, and ask for help in rebuilding that world or in redefining himself.

Kook’s Knight of Swords in reverse pertains specifically to ease and settlement. It’s a very deliberate choice to allow Jimin to “lie” when he wants to and not causing confrontation where there doesn’t need to be. He’s very passive with the situation but very present. I mean, if you think about how his world is set up, you can see where he’s at with this. His actual house is way the fuck on the other side of the world, and his mountain is at the other end. Jimin’s portal is on the mountain. Rather than just leaving Jimin there and waiting around for Jimin to come to his house, he leveled the top of the mountain and put two lawn chairs up there so, no matter what, the second Jimin peaks his head out, there’s Kook ready to chat and hang out. It’s kind of a great way to make sure he does come out sometimes, like, it’d be kind of rude to NOT come out and sit in your chair once in a while after someone LEVELED THE TOP OF A MOUNTAIN JUST TO HANG OUT WITH YOU AND TO LET YOU KNOW THEY CARE.

So, yeah, the reversed Knight of Swords is basically a lot of awareness and process of the situation, but very passive action towards it that allows for Jimin to move at his own pace. Most likely this is reflected on a conscious level to where there’s “no bullshit” between them but there are still those moments where it’s made clear certain things can’t be talked about right then and there because they are sensitive or still being processed on Jimin’s end, or he just wants to figure them out on his own or with someone else. It seems like Kook is more likely to ask questions rather than just watch and observe Jimin’s state of mind.

How They View The Relationship:

Jimin: King of Pentacles | Kook: The Fool

I love this because this goes into what I got for them in that recent energy check-up. Here, neither of these show their view of the relationship, it shows their view of each other. They are not focused on their connection or how they balance, they are focused on themselves and each other’s personal state and development. The reason things were so odd and off-center with them before was because their connection, the way their energies literally mixed together was dominating their actual relationship and how they connected consciously. It was like an obsession to stay in sync, but that obsession threw everything off. They are separated now, just like with everyone else, and the connection is simple, average, normal on all levels, other than those lingering remnants of that parent/child connection through which Jimin is sitting within Kook’s core.

Kook sees Jimin as The Fool, just like in the energy reading. It’s this new energy, a new beginning, he’s seeing the potential of the new world and the new identity that follows that shadow period since he himself has already gone through it. Similar to what I said before, he’s seeing Jimin as very confident in this situation, very steady in spite of the slow progress or the lying. Again, he understands. It’s perfectly on point.

Jimin’s perspective on Kook is very, very interesting because the King of Pentacles is what Kook got as his final card in his Internal Alignment reading back in 2018 which showed the lesson that he was learning at the time that he was in this internalized shadow period. I highly recommend reading through that entire reading just for reference on where Kook’s world was and where it is now, but if you don’t have time, I want to take that last bit from the reading and include here what I said about the King of Pentacles in that reading.

*for reference, he had gotten the King of Swords in his energy reading showing a cold and restricted perspective based on external opinions, which were what caused the collapse of his inner world.

This is how Jimin is seeing him. He does, in fact, see Kook as more mature, more in control, more in charge of himself and his expression, he’s just projecting something different towards him. Not only that, but I thought it was interesting that there’s that connection to flowers. Jimin currently wants to build a world of flowers and here’s the King of Pentacles with all of his flowers. I think it’s more like Jimin is admiring Kook’s creation, he’s in awe of the fact that Kook actually created a new world after his collapse. From what I can remember, Jimin’s inner world was never truly his own, it was always filled with things that were intimidating to him, and that he couldn’t overcome, it wasn’t always a place of comfort or safety. I imagine his focus on the others and healing the others left little time for him to actually take care of himself.

Current State of The Relationship: The Sun

And how fitting is this? The current state of the relationship is represented here by The Sun. Pure joy, happiness, clarity, safety. 

I think more than anything the image of this card speaks volumes. The original Sun card, the Rider-Waite Sun is overly joyful, almost unrealistically happy and full of things that don’t feel grounded in reality. This card, however, has joy in it, but it’s accompanied with a hard truth. This odd and deformed sunflower is dripping this rainbow goo, something I was actually seeing as the tar from the hole. Beneath it are animals that are feeding on the goo, but I was seeing them as animals trying to take shelter from the rain, only to have this goo fall on them now. 

It’s a little bit of everything. It’s a little bit of Jimin and a little bit of Kook, but they don’t mash together seamlessly anymore because they aren’t supposed to. You have that weird Sun portal that looks great, but once you get inside you have this weird cube-hellscape where flowers can’t grow. You have this sense of one residing within another, one trying to help the other, one trying to hide from the other, one trying to feed off the other, and it all comes together as if something is either in the midst of falling apart or coming together. There’s no sure way to really look at the image of The Sun on this card, there’s no sure way to look at the relationship because it’s not a relationship right now.

The soul process is dominating and the soul connections are detached and reforming through independent structures that Jimin doesn’t actually have yet. So, it’s joyful in the sense that on a conscious level, Jimin is projecting the light sun more often because of the lack of shame which went away when the world collapsed and there was no possibility of hiding. In spite of how it may look within their core states, on all levels, they are very happy with where they are because it is simply more balanced between them in terms of control and awareness, in terms of who takes care of who.

Highest Potential: The Empress

The highest potential of their connection now is The Empress. This is fully focused on Jimin in every way in terms of his soul state. The entire focus, yet again, is not on the actual relationship, it’s on the individual progression, and since Kook is already perfectly fine in his core, everything is on Jimin. The Empress is where Jimin wants to be, it’s the world he wants to build, and it’s what Kook wants to help him build in any way that he can. 

I want to include a portion of the description of this card and keep Jimin’s world in mind as well as his previous position in the soul body:

It fits so perfectly, even with his Libra energy being ruled by Venus, having that very flowy, and nurturing energy, that open communal space. It’s like even though the soul body is gone and there are no forced connections between their cores, he still wants his world to be the place the seven of them come together, but he can’t let any of them come in now because literally, the absolute worst aspects of their previous cores are sitting inside of his, they are making up his current world. He’d have to put a whole ass trigger warning on his front door.

It’s just so fucking interesting to me how this all played out in the reading and how everything kept connecting back to the readings. I mean, they usually do with BTS, but a lot of this stuff I had forgotten about and had to go and look for and it all just tied together so well. 

Just in case anyone is unsure, everything is perfectly fine between them, there is nothing negative in this situation even with the state of Jimin’s world. This is part of a rather standard process and he’s moving through it at his own pace because he can. He doesn’t have to help anyone else with their core troubles, so he has all the time in the world to work on his own, and Kook is there to help and hold things steady.

Read The Continuation of This Reading: The Internal Alignment of Park Jimin

That’s all I have for this one, thanks for reading! :)