Relationship Reading for Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok (P1)


Subject: Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok

Performed: July 24, 2018

Original Post Date: July 26, 2018

Video Version Uploaded: August 4, 2020

Spread: Relationships and Connections, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Details: The Relationships & Connections reading is designed to showcase the romantic, platonic, or familial relationship between two people and put their connection into perspective by presenting what is gained and from the relationship as well as the highest potential of it.


*The video version includes cleaner narration and “2020 Notes” to elaborate and clarify points made in the original reading in 2018.

Initial Impression: Pre-Reading

As I stated above, I did this reading immediately after doing Hoseok’s Elemental Alignment reading and a lot more of the energy Hoseok was carrying (I believe it to not be 100% his own) was being spread out into this reading. A lot of what is between Hoseok and Yoongi is being distorted specifically because they have a deep soul and spirit connection. As I’ve seen it, external energy, cosmic energy specifically, transmits and filters through Hoseok, is picked up by Yoongi and is then “transformed” through Namjoon. I think I might get more into that when I do the OT7 Elemental Alignment, but it’s good to keep that in mind with the three of them specifically, and understand that Namjoon does not pick up anything that is not transmitted through Yoongi, and Yoongi does not accept these “transmissions” if they haven’t been “filtered” — currently Hoseok’s ability to “filter” has been messed with and is causing some negative influences to have access to the groups line of energy and their vibrational field. A bit complicated, but this is why this reading is like this, the ability to communicate on all levels from Hoseok to everyone else is messy right now.


Two Halves — The first two cards that came out of the deck were the Ace of Cups with The Sun, then they were followed up by The Lovers and The Moon. Hoseok and Yoongi are often looked at as The Sun and The Moon by a lot of people with the way they seem to juxtapose each other, yet blend so well together. Here the Ace of Cups was just emitting the sensation of flow, just steady communication but without words or any sort of physical medium. That comes through with The Lovers as well. 

The Lovers.jpg

The need to really focus on the image was there when I had The Lovers on my desk, and this is where I saw more of the “transmission” happening. For me already The Lovers is not anything near a card of romance or human connection, it is a spiritual connection alone. In the image specifically, you have the image of “Eve” who is looking up at the Angel while “Adam” looks at “Eve”.  The Divine Feminine is more intuitive, more open to the connection and therefore has to relay it to the Divine Masculine. 

Divinity, Universal Consciousness, is being channeled through Water (the open mind and soul) is intellectualized through Air (this would be the filter that Hoseok has as Aquarius) is then delivered to the Divine Masculine (this would still be Hoseok) and is formed in Earth that is then used through or for the manifestation in Fire. That is the connection and transmission pattern of The Lovers here and it is what Hoseok and Yoongi are, however, they both carried equal parts Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy. Currently, due to this energetic tampering he is experiencing The Divine Masculine is much more prevalent, almost no Divine Feminine is residing in Hoseok’s energy, no receptiveness, no filter. This actually showed up back when I did Hoseok and Kook’s reading as well, and even though it was an easily noticeable signature, it wasn’t quite at the level it is here.


So, The Sun and The Moon, along with the flow and transmission of the Ace of Cups and The Lovers all blended together and I got the image of a burning moon. I’ve been seeing fire a lot with this nonsensical bullshit whatever the fuck is going on here. It was all over the OT7 reading and Hoseok’s solo reading, images of fire and water, a lot of tension and clashing and shit. 

Normally, when The Sun and The Moon are together it’s usually meant to give off Eclipse energy which, you know, brings about clarity and understanding, a sense of stillness and separateness from the subconscious, it can be a very grounding energy. But this shit had the Moon on FIRE, which means that Divine Masculine energy is really breaking down the Divine Feminine between the two of them, their ability to connect with each other on levels other than the conscious mind.

With that being said, because of their group ties within the soul, I was able to see that Yoongi and Hoseok are in fact connected by the soul. It’s a very deep soul connection and it is stemming from their past lives together. Rap Line have had a lot of past lives together in general, but Yoongi and Hoseok have like a “fused” look to their “lower energies” — I have no idea what that means exactly, it’s just an image. I’m very tempted to say “twin flames” for them, but their relationship consciously is nowhere near romantic, and from what I can see they haven’t had any past life romances that are influencing this lifetime. It could just be a very deep soul connection, however, there are residual lines in the spirit for them as well. It’s a lot weaker than the soul bond and is currently very, very faint due to the external tampering and Hoseok’s energy being out of balance.

The Mirror Effect — Now, this is shit we’re all aware of, it’s how they CONSCIOUSLY connect and mirror each other. This is where the common comparison of the sun and the moon comes into play for the two of them. So, in terms of projected persona Hoseok is very bright and vibrant, very loud and in your face, but on the inside, his vibrations are actually pretty low compared to the other members and he is very grounded, very calm, and very not at all what he portrays himself to be. Yoongi comes off as a bit more detached, aloof, cold, bla bla bla, all the dark water Pisces traits, while on the inside he’s pretty much what Hoseok pretends to be. 

The difference here is that Yoongi doesn’t really try to hide his “light water” Pisces shit, it’s just that Pisces are signs of polarity, sometimes they're up, sometimes they're down, but they’re aware of both sides being THEM. Hoseok on the other hand, Mr. Aquarius, tries to shove down all the stuff that isn’t the bright and shiny “I’m your hope!” persona for many different reasons revolving around shame connected to mental health troubles as well as a need to maintain his position as “Hope”. There’s also a need to hide these parts of himself as for him they don’t make a lot of sense in general. He’s a lot less open about his struggles, but his connection with Yoongi has led to an understanding between them, a very keen and conscious awareness of this mirror.

In spite of the fact that all of the members have seen Hoseok’s low points, Yoongi is the only one that is aware that the “low point” is always there. His empathy really helps with that. Also, that link they have through “transmission” — Hoseok to Yoongi — is a one-way street, Hoseok does not really take in what Yoongi feels subconsciously.

In addition to that they are both “extroverted energies”, meaning their energies are almost constantly being projected by nature or by force, so upon first meeting, they would have clicked together subconsciously as their souls and spirits linked up. It would have been a lot of “I know you,” sort of feelings because they did know each other, and in a sense, they ARE each other.

No energetic connection — Their energies were used to gauge each other, however, their energies do not mix at all. Again, this could be due to the current imbalance, but it seems to me that there was never any energetic connection, to begin with. It was actually extremely difficult to connect with Yoongi’s energy through Hoseok’s because of this. They are a great example of opposites attracting though. The only time such a thing actually works out is when those two opposites (usually opposite in energy or spirit) have some sort of meeting point in the conscious awareness, which for them would be that mirror point of projected persona versus the internal being.

I saw the image of them sitting alone together, not talking at all, not even looking at each other, but having tons of conversations through the subconscious, the spirit, and the soul. They have connections with mental health, similar issues that they deal with, and that is something that they consciously connect with, however, it still doesn’t feel like Hoseok really opens up too much about his side of things. 

This “quiet place” that I see them in together is a very simple place of compassion and understanding, which both of them had struggled to find in people before they met.

I had the note that it’s specifically anxiety that they connect on. There’s overthinking (Air) and dream-like paranoia (Water) that mixes and this is that middle point between them. That connection through the conscious mind allowed them to bypass the lack of vibrational and energetic differences and establish and maintain the connection via the spirit and soul. Also, I was being shown the image of Air and Water being mixed, and then the Air being split off into Hoseok, and the Water being split off into Yoongi — meaning that they’re meant to level each other out, balance each other, and again, establish those free-flowing transmissions. In simple terms, they calm each other down and really lower the intensity of their anxiety, subsequently aiding each other through related symptoms.


Okay, so there’s a lot going on here, as you can see. This was a product of 3 separate pulls and it took me two other sets of cards to actually figure out what the hell was going on so, I will guide you through it all.


The first cards out were the three on top — 2 of Cups + Knight of Pentacles + 6 of Pentacles

So, basically what this is the “conscious trigger point”. It seems more subconscious, but I guess Hoseok is putting energy into this on a conscious level, so… Anyway, it reads right to left in sequential order. The 2 of Cups is Hoseok and Yoongi, it’s that “quiet place” things, that subconscious communication. I was getting the image of a pinky-promise being in the place of the two cups in the image, as in they had an “unspoken agreement” about something, something that Hoseok specifically thought they had. The Knight of Pentacles is carrying that “promise” or whatever it is that Yoongi had “promised” to Hoseok — it’s physical or Hoseok physically saw this happen (it’s explained later on) and that’s why he’s putting conscious energy into it. And then it ends on the 6 of Pentacles, basically saying that Hoseok saw Yoongi give what he assumed had been promised to him to other people.

Conclusion: Hoseok, because of how close they are to each other with a lot of things, thought that Yoongi would be able to see that he was getting close to a “low point” and was expecting him to help. Again, this was an “unspoken agreement” that they had with that whole Yoongi taking the Water, Hoseok taking the Air out of their anxiety. This wasn’t Yoongi’s fault, it has more to do with the imbalance and current severe instability with their connection and “transmission line”. Then, IRL, like consciously, Hoseok saw Yoongi help someone else in the group, or show concern towards someone else’s emotional state and Hoseok was disappointed that Yoongi wasn’t doing that for him. Consciously, it feels like he’s trying to make it not be a big deal, shoving it down as per usual, but it’s actually really affecting him. He feels alone in it now and that aggressive nature of the fire energy that is being funneled in is causing him to detach at a faster rate.


Like I said, at first I was really confused about what was happening here and the next pull produced the next three cards — Page of Cups + Judgement + King of Wands

This was simply confirmation for me that the 2 of Cups was meant to be both of them. Yoongi being repped by the Page of Cups (Pisces/Water) and Hoseok being represented by the King of Wands (Fire/A shit ton of Wands came up for Hoseok in his solo reading). Then you have Judgement between them. Again, I was guided to focus on the image. Because Hoseok is physically attuned there’s been a lot of visual messages.

If you look at how they are set up you can see that the King of Wands is staring straight ahead at the Page through the lens of Judgement, while the Page stares down at the cup (you can’t see it in the picture). Yoongi is not aware of what this is or that Hoseok is upset about anything because on the surface level, Hoseok isn’t going to bring it up, and subconsciously they are not connecting at all. Yoongi is very open to it, but Hoseok, due to the extreme levels of Divine Masculine and Fire energy cannot tap in.


The next pull was for a bit more clarification on where their minds were at in this situation, that’s why I laid the next two cards out as though they were like thought bubbles for each card. For this I got The Hermit and 3 of Swords

More confirmation that Yoongi is not aware of what is going on on any level.

 Also, I made a note of Yoongi’s mind actually being on Namjoon (The Hermit is the card for Virgo). This would make sense in terms of group dynamic on a soul level. Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon are connected very deeply, and if one of them were to unknowingly fall out of the “ring” then the two people left on the second tier of things would then be more focused on each other as that energetic connection would then shift and strengthen between those two… does that make sense? It could also be Kook too since he’s also a Virgo, but he’s not anywhere near this reading surprisingly, and Namjoon is the only other person part of this particular dynamic. 

It could also just be general “inward-looking” shit, like Yoongi is just very unaware that this is happening because of the disconnect, however, he has not lost any ability to sense. It’s very confusing.

And obviously, the 3 of Swords is heartbreak. It deals with betrayal, but also, in terms of image, it’s Swords (Air) being struck through the Heart (Water/Inner knowing). There was a pattern in Hoseok’s solo reading about overthinking being what triggers the “undoing” and I think it relates here a bit, but mostly it’s just betrayal. He feels betrayed by Yoongi for not knowing something was wrong, even though he himself, consciously speaking, doesn't know what’s wrong either. This is like spirit anger manifesting in the conscious mind. Very weird, very not at all normal.


Then this shit here pops out while I’m shuffling again, trying to figure out what the hell is happening between them. I was thinking that the aggression that was being shown in Hoseok’s solo reading was actually manifesting and had caused them to have a fight or some shit, and my Guides were like, “no, no, no, they’re fine!”

Again, we have the 2 of Cups which in this reading is designated to be their souls mixed, it concerns them both, with the Sun (it’s the most positive card in the deck when it carries its own energy!), with the 10 of Cups which is all about harmony and love… Obviously, I was like, what the fuck is this?? It’s a complete 180 to what was before it and I even got snarky and made only one note in my notebook for this set which reads, “They just wasted my time with that last set, they’re fine,” and had put a big X through all the notes I took on it.

To which they responded with this next set here:


…do you know how fucking annoyed I was with this shit? Omg.

AGAIN, we have the 2 of Cups there to let us know that this does, in fact, concerns the subconscious. All the issues are in the subconscious and lower, and Hoseok is the only one manifesting any of it consciously. The Knight of Wands is repping Hoseok, this time more sporadic, running away with the idea that Yoongi is not just the Page of Cups, but is actually the High Priestess. The High Priestess is associated with the Moon, the Divine Feminine, and Pisces, she deals with the subconscious, intuition, and higher power. She’s the gatekeeper between the physical plane and the metaphysical plane of things. Hoseok was putting that on Yoongi, expecting him to basically be a mind reader rather than a simple empath.

Basically, Hoseok knew something was wrong (consciously??) but was definitely not going to say anything to anyone about it, he didn’t think he HAD to say anything to Yoongi, and was expecting him to kind of come to the rescue (consciously) and balance him out (subconsciously/spiritually/energetically), but he didn’t because the connection that would allow Yoongi to know that something was up was already tampered with by what is causing Hoseok to be so out of balance.

So, Hoseok spiraled. Just as I mentioned in his solo reading, where the 9 and 10 of Swords had also come out together, that his over-stimulated mind causes him to overthink and experience massive waves of anxiety, like strong enough to potentially shift his view of reality and then proceeds to spiral into extreme, but short-lived depression that is fueled by the shame he feels towards his mental health.

It’s all a bunch of nonsense and I still don’t fully understand where things are manifesting and where they are just residing in the energy between these two.

So, this is the fun part (which isn’t fun at all) where we can get into the actual reading. At this point I had switched to the Linestrider deck as that it the one I use for this spread specifically, and I hadn’t even done a full shuffle before these cards fell out together: 


I was kind of hopeful and was like, oh maybe it’s the death of the heartbreak, and I got a big whopping, very blunt NOPE, so… so, that really set the tone for the rest of the reading.

Like I said in the beginning, nothing in this spread looks good, but this is solely based on their current state and is more aligned with their soul and spirit connections. It is manifesting on a conscious level, but it’s nothing so extreme that we would SEE them fighting or anything (I think?). I will do another reading for them at the end of August, but for now, let’s just look at this with a critical, yet objective eye.

The Reading


Current Projected Energy In The Relationship:

Hoseok: Page of Pentacles (Rev.)

Yoongi: Five of Pentacles

This pull here is meant to relate to conscious and energetic awareness within the relationship for each individual. Due to everything prior to this point, it’s a bit more complex than that and is a bit more difficult to place where these positions actually are, however I know they are both reflecting on the same level. (They’re coming from the same level, but I don’t know what that level is.)

I’m going to include the written descriptions of these cards because, as some of you know, I don’t look at the descriptions of cards for spreads until I’m actually sitting down to write everything up. During the reading, I go off of energy, personal symbolism, and the image itself. Keep in mind that the Linestrider deck has different imagery from the Rider-Waite and therefore has different meanings compared to each other.

Hoseok: Reversed Page of Pentacles:

Reversed, the Page of Pentacles can indicate that something is getting in the way of your ability to manifest your dreams and goals. Perhaps you lack the skills, planning, or support that a project needs, and now is a time to work on that foundation before moving ahead. The earth must be tilled and fertilized before the seeds are planted. Focus on the long-term potential of what you would like to accomplish and lay a solid foundation.
— Siolo Thompson, The Linestrider's Journey

The reason I wanted to include this is because in Hoseok’s solo reading for his Earth Alignment specifically (Earth = Pentacles) he had a fully balanced Water and Earth energy there. I’m like 99.9% sure that the Water energy there (it was his only balanced alignment) is coming from Yoongi. The part in this card’s description here that caught my mind the most was about needing to fertilize the earth — I had made the comparison to how Water and Earth Energies mix and that it’s usually fertile ground for something to manifest. Plus, from Hoseok’s solo reading I also understand that Rap Line are in a high vibrational “ring” (it’s a triangle, but I keep hearing “ring”) and Namjoon handles the Air, Yoongi handles the Water, and Hoseok handles Earth. Fire is not supposed to be a huge part of their energetic flow between the three of them and it sure as hell isn’t supposed to be funneled into one person like it is with Hoseok.

What this card here is showing is the disconnect between Hoseok and Yoongi, Yoongi’s card actually shows it as well. Hoseok is lacking the connection to what creates the fertile earth, what balances him. The 5 of Pentacles, Yoongi’s card, is linked to poverty, a loss of something physical, a loss of pentacles, a loss of Earth.

Yoongi is without Earth and Hoseok is without Water. Their current states are simply being without each other right now.


Hoseok's View of The Relationship:

Two of Swords (rev.) | The Magician (reV.)

Again, I am including the descriptions because these two cards are so fucking accurate with Hoseok’s energy and all this tampering nonsense from his solo read, like…

2 of Swords (Reversed):

This card does not generally carry a light or happy message but when reversed the Two of Swords indicates lies, betrayal, or self-delusion. It could also be that you are stuck between two difficult options or two difficult people. You don’t have all the facts, you can’t clearly see all sides of the situation, and you think there are negative consequences to any course of action. You may need to extricate yourself from the situation altogether. Retreat and seek higher intellectual ground where you can remove the blindfold and get a clearer picture of everything that is going on. This card might be warning you that you are being manipulated, that facts are being withheld, or that someone is making it hard for you to make a rational decision. The moon in the image indicates intuition.
— Siolo Thompson, The Linestrider's Journey

It even brings up the fucking moon and being manipulated, like… that’s Hoseok’s view of their relationship, or his frame of reference is a better way of putting it.

The Magician (Reversed):

In his reversed position, the Magician can indicate that something is blocking your creative energy or that your power is being directed at something futile or counterproductive to your goals or growth.
— Siolo Thompson, The Linestrider's Journey

First off, that block in the “creative energy” is the blocking of the elemental Water and Divine Feminine, and that misdirected energy would be the overloaded Fire energy that is literally causing so many problems within the energetic flow of the group due to their soul connections. This is just so eerie like I knew it was going to be on the nose to some degree, but like, I didn’t think it was going to be THAT accurate when it came to this portion of the reading.

So, that’s where Hoseok is coming from in terms of how he is personally approaching the relationship. It’s all fucked up right now due to the outside manipulation discussed in the OT7 Outlook reading and his solo reading, and the blocks in Water and Divine Feminine energy are causing him to completely detach from Yoongi.


Yoongi's View of The Relationship:

Wheel of Fortune | 4 of Pentacles | 4 of Cups (Rev)

This is an interesting set because it’s one big thing, but then it’s not. I don’t really know how to explain what I see with the energy of these cards, but the cards themselves visually are easy to understand. The Wheel of Fortune is sort of setting the scene. It’s a major arcana so it’s dealing with more divine shit, Yoongi is aware, at least subconsciously, of the current upsets, but consciously has no way to see them because his “transmission” are filtered through Hoseok with that Earth energy.

What you can see here is that the 4 of Pentacles upright is turned over (like the wheel) into the 4 of Cups reversed. Without the Earth there to stabilize and filter, he cannot connect to his transmissions (all of them, not just concerning Hoseok). His transmissions are passing him by (the literal definition of the card). Not to mention the lack of Air he’s getting from Hoseok’s Aquarius energy is making him overload on Water, and that might be why his energy is being driven more towards Namjoon — Namjoon is an Earth Sign ruling over Air in this triad, while Hoseok was previously an Air sign ruling over Earth, with Yoongi in the middle as a Water sign ruling over Water.

Pisces can shift entire paradigms (we all love the meme about Yoongi speaking their dreams into existence, don’t we?)  so he’s relying on the stability from both of them, however he’s more so connected to Hoseok because Namjoon is at the apex of the triad and is still part of a separate level above his place with Hoseok and Yoongi. COMPLICATED. There’s so much I could write here, lol.

But yeah, Yoongi is aware of the imbalance, however, it is not of conscious concern as his intuitive nature has been affected by Hoseok’s imbalance.

Ten of Swords.jpg

Current State of The Relationship: 10 of Swords

Now, this is like a ~thing~ from the OT7 Outlook reading. Obviously, this card indicates the end of cycles and in this deck, it’s actually like a charged up 3 of Swords, but this isn’t actually what it is… it is, but it isn’t.

This here, any tension or any physical/conscious manifestation of the fire/imbalanced/manipulated energy is being allowed by BTS’s Guides so that both Yoongi and Hoseok will question more the state of their relationship and the tension they are feeling. This is one of those “challenges” from the outlook reading. What got them to this point was not planned, was not meant to be, but whatever manifests physically from it is being divinely guided to hopefully get them back in line with things.

This is why I’ll need to do another reading at the end of August.


Highest Potential:

3 of Pentacles | Justice

And there’s confirmation of what I just said. This is an effort on their Guide’s part to get them to a place to question shit enough to start breaking down and working through these blocks. They’re actually horrifically lacking in self-awareness, obviously, most people don’t even consider this shit, which is fine, but they’re going to need a big ol’ shove before they actually get anywhere with this.

Just know that if at any time before the end of August you see them be weird with each other or seem to be a bit put off, this is what it is. I mean, the whole group might seem off, although, it’s more likely to show in Hoseok first, Yoongi second.

All in all, at the very least, I can confirm they are soulmates — I mean, they all are, literally, but these two are the ones that make a big deal about it, so I’m sure some people would appreciate knowing that.


Once again, I have no thoughts.

I’m tired and the Eclipse in Aquarius is tomorrow from when I’m typing this. I currently have a headache and I had to cleanse like crazy this morning because the low-vibe shit that’s fucking with BTS started wiggling its way into my space because I had been trying to tap into it. Not a good idea, don’t do that shit. Dumb, dumb, dumb. (Imma keep doing it though)

I’ll do another reading for them, maybe just a short add-on, around the very end of August.

Thanks for reading!

Read Part 2: Relationship Reading for Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok (P2)