How do the members of BTS see Jungkook?

I want to Know how the rest BTS members and Bang PD see Jungkook, i don’t know if you have this reading or not i can’t find it. thank you
— anonymous @
how bts see jungkook.png


*The video version includes cleaner narration and “2020 Notes” to elaborate and clarify points made in the original reading in 2019.

First off, the energy that Kook projects out towards the group is the 9 of Cups in reverse, which I was seeing this as not something he consciously projects, or even subconsciously projects, it’s just something that they pick up on. It’s a lack of fulfillment, a cup being filled up halfway, just not being satisfied with the current state on an internal level. If I had to assume, I would say this is a matter of self-actualization, something related to growing up and being his own person and expressing himself as an individual with personal style and perspectives. As we all know, he’s genuinely a very sweet and caring person and he really wants to please everyone, even people who only see him as an object of sexual fantasy and treat everything that he does to change his appearance or speak his mind as if he personally just stabbed their sex doll to death. Tragic. 

But yeah, he is projecting this and it is something recognizable to people very close to him, he’s not happy with how things are at the moment, he doesn’t feel complete in certain areas of his life.

Namjoon — 6 of Swords

I thought this was kind of cool because it reflected what I had for them in their relationship reading where I talked about how Kook was transitioning into extroverted Virgo energy for the first time while Namjoon was transitioning into introverted Virgo energy, where he has been before. They are trading places in a sense, but their “places” won’t be there by the time that actually happens. 

Basically, Namjoon sees this lack of fulfillment, but he’s seeing it as an experience, or a learning process, something that Kook has to go through in order to learn how to value what he wants and what he thinks over the audience. This is very specific and very evident because Namjoon literally did that himself. He used to be a big ass conformist shit show who just went around playing roles and he fucked up a lot because of it, and he had to LEARN through EXPERIENCES how to honor himself. Kook is doing the same thing right now.

I have a visual for this and I thought it was interesting to point out the differences. 

Once upon a time, Namjoon was being given stones and rocks to tape to his face and body, to beef him up, make him look bigger and scarier than he was, playing the tough guy. That was his previous state, covered in stones, looking all sorts of insane to people who weren’t the ones giving him the stones to wear. Kook, right now, as the 9 of Cups, is just trying to fill himself up. He’s just trying to do little things for himself to fill up one cup at a time. Whether that be a new piercing or a new haircut, a new personal project or solo song, whatever it is, it’s just one cup that he’s trying to fill so he can take a drink. Then people come along and say, “you shouldn’t drink that. You’re supposed to be a bird and fly around where I can see you. You’re not a fish at the bottom of the ocean. Dump it out.” And then he does, because his Virgo energy is introverted, his judgment is already towards himself before anyone else, and he’ll listen to anything that seems like criticism and he’ll believe it because he does it to himself all the time. 

It’s two different scenarios, but the key that connects them is the influence of the spectators. 

It’s kind of low energy of not knowing how to help Kook while also knowing that he can’t and shouldn’t. Going back to the 6 of Swords, it’s like Namjoon is standing on the shore as he watches Kook set out on the boat on treacherous waters. He himself as taken that journey before, he knows the way, and he has advice that he could give, but today is a different day. The path is the same, but who’s to say Kook won’t hit a rainstorm, or that the deepest part of the river is now the shallowest and can’t be navigated the same. It’s a different time and place, and in spite of having a lot of it, Namjoon’s advice here may be completely useless. All he can do is watch Kook make that trip and hopefully make it to the other side without any real issues.

Jin — 3 of Pentacles 

I swear, this is all I ever get for them. Jin sees Kook as his apprentice, as a student, and I’ve gotten the same thing for them in two other readings I’ve done for them including their Relationships Reading (coming out in November). It always comes off as very business-oriented, like focusing on money and investments, but there is this sense of responsibility that Jin has towards Kook to teach him SOMETHING and business and money are what he KNOWS for SURE. 

So, I don’t want to get to into this one because I feel like I’ll just relay everything I have for their Relationship Reading, but there are some posts somewhere that has stuff like this around business and money between them. 

Yoongi — The High Priestess with The Lovers (rev.)

This has to do with the fulfillment thing and I thought that this was really interesting because this is basically saying that Yoongi recognizes a deep sense of empathy in Kook, something that connects him to other people, however, with the reversed Lovers, he can’t see Kook having a solid connection with himself or a sense of purpose that is clearly defined by him without the validation of others. He’s just constantly in a state of receptivity like The High Priestess, but nothing is contained as it would be within The Lovers if it was upright.

I assume, similar to Namjoon, that Yoongi sees Kook through the lenses of these higher aspects with The High Priestess and The Lovers because he has gone through a similar state before as well.

Hoseok — Wheel of Fortune (rev.)

This made me laugh because as soon as I put the reversed Wheel of Fortune down I heard, “why’s he just sitting there?” and it was in reference to the man in the 9 of Cups. Like, he’s upside down and all of his cups are spilling, so why is he not getting up and trying to fix it? 

Then I started laughing again because with the way I have these cards laid out, Hoseok’s card is next to Yoongi’s set — Mr. Pisces Man is next to Mr. Aquarius Man. So, there’s this funny offset to their perspectives where Yoongi is seeing the current state as this big huge thing and is seeing the transference out of it as very small, a mindset of, “you’re where you are until you aren’t.” And then, Hoseok has the exact opposite where he’s seeing the transference out of it, the Wheel of Fortune, as this BIG OBVIOUS THING that Kook just isn’t utilizing and he can’t see why. Or he can, but it just doesn’t make sense to him why it’s such a big issue… Mr. Aquarius Man with his funny shoes and fanny packs doesn’t understand why Kook cares so much about what people think of him… imagine that.

It really is this thing of Hoseok pulling some Air Sign shenanigans and seeing all of the cups spill, seeing the turmoil that it’s causing, but having a perspective so far beyond that moment that he can’t understand why someone would choose to just sit there and take it. It’s like there’s a little Hoseok standing on the Wheel of Fortune waving his hands around yelling at Kook who’s sitting on the floor surrounding by all of these spilled cups in the reversed 9 of Cups, and he’s like, “heyyyy!!! If you just stand up and start picking those cups up, you’ll turn upright and then we can get this wheel turning!!” and Kook is all down like “ :( “ and Hoseok, the frustrated Aquarius, is like, “I get that it’s sad, but fucking MOVE!”

So, it’s funny but also kind of sad, because in a similar vein to everyone else, he wants to help, wants Kook to get up and get his cups all filled and be happy, but he doesn’t know how to do it.

Jimin — Knight of Cups with the Page of Wands

As always, the Page of Wands has to come out at some point for Kook, right? And not surprisingly at all, it’s with Jimin. There’s a definite duality here which mirrors the balance and connection they have on multiple levels. As I’ve explained about a thousand times, the Page of Wands is Kook in a more dependent state where he relies on guidance and encouragement from the others, seeking validation. I don’t remember which reading it was, but one of the earlier ones it was shown that this connection is through Jimin primarily. It’s a child following a mother, that’s how they connect etherically through their imprinting, with Kook being a “product of Venus” as it was said, or a child of Venus and Jimin being a Libra, the love side of Venus. There’s a comfort and nurturing there, so Jimin is seeing Kook as his child, or just a child in general, but this is referencing reliance and dependency, so… Kook’s his baby here, lol.


Then there’s the Knight of Cups, which I always mess up and call the Prince of Cups because I think of “Prince Charming” and “Knight in Shining Armor” and somehow it gets mushed in my head visually and audibly, so… the Prince of Cups. Someone more mature, more independent, and someone that Jimin can be reliant on. My attention was brought to the Knight’s cup, which he holds out proudly in front of him, and I was shown this being “a cup he won’t spill.” As in, his care and affection for Jimin, in spite of what people say or think of them, no matter how their relationship is perceived, negatively or positively, Kook will NOT dump the water out of that cup. Jimin sees this, appreciates this, and trusts this.

There’s a trade there. Kook takes care of Jimin when he needs it, and Jimin takes care of Kook when he needs it. Jimin needs more care in the realm of Water, the emotions, so it’s fitting that the Knight of Cups is here, and Kook needs care in the realm of Fire, his projection and soul.

Taehyung — The Emperor

This is more superficial, almost like he’s choosing to see Kook as The Emperor. It’s stemmed in Kook’s pride, in not wanting to seem weak or small, or childish. He wouldn’t want anyone to actually see him as the reversed 9 of Cups, and I’m sure Taehyung, the master of disguises, understands that and he projects this image on to Kook. 

Actually, something just came to mind of how Taehyung always talks about how strong Kook is physically, or at least I have like ten time in my head where he brought up Kook’s physical strength or goes on about his talents. It’s kind of like that. He’s projecting that STRONG MAN image and pointing it out to people so that they focus on that because he knows that that is what Kook would want. He wouldn’t ask for it or project it himself, but he likes to be seen as a MAN rather than a small helpless child and Taehyung tries to give him that. I imagine there’s a bit of comradery there as the two youngest members in that sense. This is actually really similar to what Kook does for Jimin and what Jimin does for Taehyung, so they have like a little ring of projected egos going on for each other, lol.