Blue Moon Punch

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How Do BTS Feel About Company Expansion?

Video Version Available - September 14, 2021

I did a kind of two-parter here looking at how they collectively see the changes in the company, and how those changes actually affect them as a group.

First off, when it comes to how they collectively feel about the situation, they have the 4 and 7 of Swords, both reversed. At first glance, I was seeing this as a kind of broken or “suspended” mentality around the expansion of the company, and it is, but not as negative as I was assuming. In a way, both of those cards are relatively the same when reversed as the 4 of Swords talks about awakening, leaving isolation, and “rejoining society”, while the reversed 7 of Swords is all about breaking bad habits and revealing the self, or coming out of hiding. Basically, in very simple terms, they are seeing the expansion of the company as just that, an expansion, one that cuts away lingering restrictions and opens a lot of doors for them, a lot of opportunities, and there is a big focus on having access to certain people. The World there is quite literally representing a perspective that this expansion opens up the whole world to them, implying that before they may have seen their reach as limited, which seems hard to believe, but now it seems more like a sure thing that they will be able to do more and reach more people.

Now, as expected, one of the major ways this affects the group is financially. The 4 of Pentacles really holds finances in place, stabilizes income and, in their case at least, seems to present an unlimited amount of resources to do whatever it is that the company wants to do with them. There definitely is that control aspect though where the money, resources, and how it is spent regarding their image, brand, and performance is very tight or well-managed, but there seems to be a lot of comfort in that now for them as a whole rather than a major restriction. Individually, however, there may be a bit of pressure on a couple of them where this seems to be a concern, but not looked at as overly negative.

The 5 of Swords came out second and was later elaborated on with the Glitch.EXE card, which is unique to this deck. This is referring to the higher aspects of the group, you know, all the soul purpose stuff. As I’ve mentioned, there’s the overall collapse and release of collective hold on them on that level, and there’s more of an individualistic approach to the further soul development and fulfillment going forward, but there are still certain things, a bit more mundane compared to before, that are being set up. There is some conflict there as a lot of what is being done around them and for them is going against what is or has been lined up for them, however, because it’s not made up of things that HAVE TO happen, things are adapting pretty cleanly. On a higher level, things are adapting, but there could still be, in relation to that slight strain with the 4 of Pentacles, a sense of resistance to what some of the members on a conscious level wish to do creatively and with the group.

The Glitch.EXE card is that adaptation where, quite literally, “fate,” or those lightly pre-formed pathways are glitching and certain “doorways” are being opened in places they weren’t before in order to accommodate what is being dealt out externally through all of the influences that are within the company now.