Blue Moon Punch

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Cancer New Moon 2022

I’m having an incredibly difficult time trying to get everything into words as a lot of what came through for this collective reading included some more abstract or “out there” information I had been getting in April and May regarding collective experience and evolution. Very trippy, but for this beginning bit I’ll just be including my notes, and then I’ll do a normal explanation with the actual collective reading down below.

New Moon on Lilith

Moon/Sun (7° of Cancer) conjunct Lilith (8° of Cancer) — reflecting Libra/7th House to Scorpio/8th House progression discussed in the Sagittarius Full Moon collective reading. A call for collective liberation. Referencing the uprising of Lilith through the encouragement of Saturn, through Pluto. In terms of what I had in my other notes from April and May, this is what was said about Lilith, Saturn, and Pluto:

  • Atom = Adam — The apple is a symbol of creation, not a physical thing. The inside of an apple mirroring laws of the universe. Adam with no apple, no connection to Lilith/Divine Feminine loses construction becomes destruction. A world with little to no connection to the DF, true DF not Eve. The Lovers card, disconnects from the soul, collectively and individually, manifesting war and depletion of the Earth.

  • 369 — Rising of the DF through Lilith, the "dark feminine" (Saturn allowing or urging Lilith to rise through Pluto and Scorpio, lining up with the US Pluto return and Scorpio Lunar Eclipse - Roe V Wade, climate crisis, feminine rage "Get your apple" - take hold of your ability to create, to be a creator, to be in control of the work you do and what you harvest as a divine creator, physically projecting as birth and reproductive autonomy, subtle in career/money/capitol/, prominent in religious manipulation, demonization of feminine (male and female) autonomy, expression, and free will.

Chiron in Aries

A lot of useless action, trauma, and fear around no results coming from a lot of effort. Aggravation, aggression, yelling. Little physical display, or little results from physical display, protesting. Look to Libra, fighter for Justice.

Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, and North Node

Saturn holds a Trine to Mercury, Sextile to Mars, Square to the North Node. Mars and Mercury, action, fire behind words. Politics and personal philosophy or belief overlapping. Hinders forward progression through the North Node, lining up with debilitated will with Chiron in Aries.

Mars Square Pluto creates opposition to the pulse of Mercury and Mars to Saturn. Saturn and Pluto in a chess match, some kind of puzzle-solving, working together but at opposite ends. North Node is the field, board, or room — Chiron acting as a mediator, needs to incorporate Libra, who can incorporate Scorpio, which will lift Lilith. The goal is to bring Lilith to the surface.

A Game — An Escape Room — A Puzzle

Player 1 — Saturn — goal is to raise Lilith. Playing with Mercury Trine, Mars Sextile, and Square North Node (late to start or respond, missed opportunity, more challenged than Pluto).

Player 2 — Pluto — holds challenge and opposition, not working against Saturn, but working on an opposing side, manipulation or far away communication. Playing with Sextile Neptune (going retrograde in Pisces), Square Mars (playing for Saturn, action not behind Pluto).

Mediator, Rule Book, Puzzles — Chiron, working in Aries and 2nd House energy. Needs to balance with Libra.

Field, Board, Room — North Node in Taurus (lining up with Chiron 2nd House energy), 3rd House.

Prize or Goal — Lilith rising through Pluto/Scorpio. Held by Cancer New Moon.

No real winner. Balance not compromise, elimination of oppressive or murderous energy (manipulated Pluto). Feels most like an escape room with a timer. It’s like Saturn and Pluto have to pretend to be enemies or pretend to work against each other because they are being watched by the person manipulating Pluto against Saturn. Layers of puzzles, moving things around, secret communication, broken communication, or new ways of communicating being used in order to work together. Odd situation.

Mother Cancer, Father Saturn

As her counterpart, Father Saturn focuses on the external world, keeps the world outside in order while Mother Cancer builds a world, a home, a safe haven on the inside. Matters of the outer world don’t mean much to her, however, she can feel the rumbles of chaos, war, and suffering as Father Saturn moves through humanity with Jupiter and Pluto alongside him. She maintains the inner world, protects her children and her creations, protects herself.

Father Saturn has fallen, something has gone out of balance, Pluto and Saturn put against each other. The outer world is falling apart and Mother Cancer is forced to respond. The Mother is not too concerned until the mess of The World becomes a mess inside her home, inside her family, inside her own body.

Cancer New Moon is holding Lilith, holding the Divine Feminine, a protected space, protected seed. This goes back to the connection between Cancer and Sagittarius mentioned in the Sagittarius Full Moon reading.

The set in the center quite literally suggests Universal Love occurring through a collective state of despair, fear, pain, confusion, and the clarity or understanding that comes with it. In other words, humanity comes together when the world starts to end. The description of Apocolypsis is interesting here:

The set on the left holds The Womb to the Earth, relates the two, mirrors them in a sort of “as above so below, as within so without” manner that keeps ringing back to the idea of the Cancer New Moon, Mother Cancer holding Lilith, the Divine Feminine, the original Mother. It’s almost like a rebirth of a Pheonix, the Divine Feminine being born from the Divine Feminine, life being birthed from death, chaos, pain, and suffering. With this, there is a call to reconnect with that Divine Feminine, specifically Lilith, understanding her more as the womb, as the Earth.

Reflection is a big thing here, especially with Apocolypsis. Seeing the patterns and how higher concepts are being reflected physically in every day life, such as the demonization of free will and creation being demonstrated as a restriction or complete denial of reproductive autonomy. There’s a lot more to it, but with how these things weave in and out, and with how they are becoming, at least from my perspective, more and more obvious, more and more physical, it’s just a matter of paying attention and looking beyond what is right in front of you, beyond the initial impression.

The set on the right holds The Vow over Perception. This one was quite interesting as I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a message like this for a collective reading. This set is very much so a promise, and it’s a promise coming in from a lot of different sources moving in a lot of different directions. In relation to a “diagnosis, preparation, sedation, surgery” thing I got a while back, regarding the process of collective evolution and progression, it’s like all of the doctor’s who are performing the surgery are standing around the patient and BEGGING them to trust them, begging them to be calm, begging them to not give up before the operation has begun.

They acknowledge the pain and the suffering, they acknowledge the hopelessness, they know that in our position as the patient, we are terrified, but they really, really want us to know that we’re in good hands. It’s still an operation, there are still cuts and break to be made, healing and rehabilitation, but it is thier job, they are the experts, they know what they’re doing. It’s their job, their contracts, their entire life’s work going into this, and they need us to keep fighting and keep our strength up individually and as a collective.

That’s all I have for the collective reading this time around, hopefully my brain will be working better next time. Thanks for reading! :)