MAMAMOO Group Energy Analysis


Subject: MAMAMOO

Performed: June 17, 2019

Original Post Date: August 23, 2019

Spread: Group Energy Analysis, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: Wisdom of The Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 1 hour

Details: The Group Energy Analysis reading is designed to showcase the energetic connection and balance between a group of people, while also presenting the roots of the connections as well as the potential future between the members.

To The Sea | New Life | Here and Now | Mending

This set covers the time between them coming together as a group and when they officially debuted. There’s actually quite a smooth energy between them and the only real hiccup was with To The Sea where there was this vibe of having to go along with some things that one or more of them didn’t agree with, but even then it wasn’t anything catastrophic.

New Life presented itself around the bit that talked about where they collaborated with a bunch of artists before officially debuting and there was a lot of experience in that, and it really brought life to them in many ways. It put the spotlight on them and it really comes off like this is considered more of a debut than their official one which is presented within Here and Now and Mending.

Here and Now coupled with Mending gives this vibe of literally tying the energy of New Life to the moment of the official debut, which lends to that idea of them potentially feeling as if their real debut was within those features with other artists. It was exciting, but it wasn’t exactly a brand new experience.

Overall, the transition between when they came together as a group and when they officially debuted seems relatively smooth energetically, not a lot of tension within the group at all.


The Tribe | Chaos and Conflict | Here and Now

There’s a bit of an odd vibe with this set that feels very mechanical or like it’s all chopped up, like there’s nothing really in the cards other than little whispy breaths worth of potential and I don’t really know what that means. With The Tribe, the first thing I thought of was the collaborations that were associated with New Life, and potentially doing more collaborative work, but that was what sparked the Chaos and Conflict. It’s like there’s a point being made to reach out to people in the industry for something but coming together actually produces something very off and weird that doesn’t work out well.

To explain it further, if you look at the image of The Tribe there is a mother giraffe and a baby giraffe. The mother giraffe is giving the baby a little bop on the head and I was seeing this interaction leading to the odd mixture of an animal in Chaos and Conflict which is a mix of a zebra and a giraffe. If you replace the baby giraffe with a zebra in The Tribe, then there you go. If we were to take that very literally, this could be some kind of scandal as well being stirred up with someone that they work with. Especially with the birds flying around in the image, there’s that sense of a bunch of people standing around to see what’s happening, like paparazzi, fans, or just the general public.

Then to end it on Here and Now, there’s such an odd feel to that where it’s stemming from the previous placement of the same card in the last set. It’s like it ends with them collectively wishing to take something back or “reset” things like they regret whatever happened to cause the Chaos and Conflict.

This is just a potential, it still feels very empty and almost like it’s something that’s being “called in” but hasn’t actually been cemented in the physical reality, so this may just get flushed away with any shifts in focus that they have down the line.

  • King of Wands — Solar — Pisces, Leader

  • 9 of Wands + Page of Cups (rev.) + 3 of Swords — Moonbyul — Capricorn

  • Ace of Cups — Wheein — Aries

  • 2 of Swords — Hwasa — Leo

Obviously, the bit that stands out the most here is Moonbyul’s set where there seems to be a lot of upset energy in the realm of her emotions, but it is very much so contained and is not actually being projected out into the group. It’s what she has centered around at the moment, but considering how harsh it looks, I think this is more temporary and is something she is processing on her own, or trying to process on her own without it affecting anyone else.

As for everyone else, the energies are very independent and they work really well together. If Moonbyul was displaying an Earth energy, every element would be present in the mix, showing that really nice synchronicity there. I think, since she’s a Capricorn, she probably does actually project stability that mirrors and blends well with Solar’s King of Wands, which is something that I had for them when I did their relationship reading which showed that they actually balance and stimulate each other quite well. If anything, I would expect the Queen of Pentacles to be there when things are leveled out and in a better spot for Moonbyul. They have a nice balance between them on a deep level which should reflect within the group.

Wheein seems to really have a lot of vibrant and creative energy along with a lot of depth to her in how she actually connects with everyone, and in a way, she feels like a peace-keeper or a middleman for the rest of them. Where Wheein is more flexible and kind of bouncing around with that projected energy, Hwasa comes off more stable and level-headed with the 2 of Swords which is much more grounded than all the other energies. In some ways, she feels a bit more like the leader and she may be the one to lead conversations or to really bring everyone back down to reality if things get stressful or heated. I’m really seeing the 2 of Swords as more of guarded mental energy than something based around confusion.

Overall, between the four of them, there is a really nice comradery that goes between them more in the layers of consciousness, as in they blend together nicely in terms of how they think, but they maintain their sense of individuality energetically. There’s a lot of consideration for each other and it does seem like everyone is always trying to maintain a certain level of balance within the group, which is something that you want when you are working within a group of people. It’s like everyone has a sense of responsibility and knows their place within the group.

That’s all I have for this one, thanks for reading!