BTS OT7 2019 Outlook Reading


Subject: BTS

Performed: November 30, 2018

Original Post Date: December 28, 2018

Spread: Floater’s Club by BlueMoonPunch, extended and altered

Deck: Chakra Reading Cards by Rachelle Charman, Angelarium: Oracle of Emanations by Eli Minaya and Peter Mohrbacher, and Tarotwave by McKenna Calabro

Time: 5 hours


*The video version includes cleaner narration and “2020 Notes” to elaborate and clarify points made in the original reading in 2018.

Read Part 1 For Reference: BTS OT7 2018/2019 Outlook


There is no way in hell I’m going to go through this reading without going through key points of the original OT7 2018/2019 Outlook reading because I just read through that shit again and the amount of information in there that didn’t make any sense at all prior to the whole Soul Body Map and Healing is astounding.

As I was reading it I was in a constant state of facepalm because there was so much that I was channeling but just wasn’t understanding fully. Like I said the divine intervention was the least likely thing to occur and that divine intervention was literally the Soul Body Healing that took place about a month later. Honestly, smh.

Just so we can keep things straight, the original outlook reading is what triggered that whole Soul Body Map thing. I think it was like a couple of days after I posted it, so about a month and a half or two months after I started seeing “The Wobble” I got the first image of the Soul Body. It was all a thing, very dramatic. If you were around for all of that, I’m sure you remember me crawling back to Tumblr dot com to let you all know that I was still alive but just hanging on by a thread after about five hours of some extremely intense energy shifting nonsense.

So, yeah, I’m going to go through some key points of the original reading to explain things from this much clearer perspective that I have now because good lord was I an idiot. I’ll include quotes and stuff from the original reading here so you don’t have to go back and re-read it, however, it is still a pretty interesting post nonetheless.

Timelines folding over.

I’ve been going on about the timelines folding over for a couple of weeks now (as of November 30th) because that is literally what has started happening for the collective.

It’s why a lot of other readers are starting to get these very negative reads on BTS. Not only are the timelines folding over and bringing the past into the present moment energetically, people are also ascending, so their receptibility to those energies are getting stronger, they’re just not aware that it’s something from the past, that it’s hollow, and by posting about it they are seeding it into the current collective timeline that A LOT of the Soul Group is still on.

In the original reading, the very first card out was The Tower. It was a literal bright neon sign flashing in my face before I even started the readings telling me that the timeline I was going to be reading was one that was going to collapse. Like… why am I dumb? I mean I should have figured that since 2019 and 2020 are like big years for timeline merging and collapse, but like, what the fuck right?

But yeah, that was a bit of an obvious thing, so I should have known that everything up to 2019 was a soon to be an old paradigm, it was something that was already crumbling away specifically because it was not in alignment with what they were supposed to be doing.

However, the outside manipulation was slowing things down, it was causing problems, but whether or not the Soul Body Healing took place, it would have been taken care of. It would have all been fixed by way of the high vibrational beings, the high-frequency light beings that I mentioned towards the end of that reading. The Soul Body Healing literally just sped things up by a lot while also raising the collective vibration of the Soul Group.

So, it wasn’t really necessary, but it had an incredibly huge, massive, positive influence over the Soul Body, the Soul Group, and the guys on a conscious and physical level.

To best explain it, you could say that it was absolutely necessary within the previous timeline, the one that is currently folding over on itself and collapsing, but on the current one, it wasn’t at all. All that was necessary was for them to be able to jump timelines, which is what the Soul Body Healing did…

This would be why everything started to “jump forward." Like when I tried to do this reading at the end of September and everything I predicted for a three-month timeframe literally all happened within three days of me finishing it… do you know how mad I was about that? Omg.

It’s like as soon as the healing hit the conscious layers they started hitting the skip button and everything just ran through super fast to get them to this point that they are currently at. It was like short-cutting to the integration process that they missed before due to the previous timeline.

See, this is why I never brought up timelines in detail — it’s way too fucking complicated especially if you’re still looking at time as being linear and running side by side rather than happening within itself and all at once.

This is why I still insist on people not paying much attention to rumors or any of that low-vibe shit because that’s literally anchored into a collapsing timeline. It’s dead energy, it doesn't matter. It’s only projecting through collective perception.

Pretty much you can see it as a giant portion of the Soul Group and the general public playing hot potato with a rotting corpse. It’s cold and gross and you look silly tossing it around as though it actually means anything anymore. The only things that matter and have life are what you choose to focus on, especially now that timelines are shifting and people are projecting their reality more and more.

The Transition from Fire to Water.

This was a big thing all throughout the original reading as well as within the Soul Body especially when it came to the healing process. I’ve explained it now in the Rap Line Relationship reading so I won’t go into here, but yet again, the whole Fire to Water things was another neon sign I missed when it came to what I was actually being shown.

Like, I got the gist of it with how things were going from the soul to the conscious mind, that was literally what disconnected Namjoon from the source energy, to begin with, but I don’t think I was considering all the layers of energy and consciousness.

Actually, I know I wasn’t because with that reading I was only using the Wisdom of the Oracle deck and the Rider-Wait deck, which means I was focusing on their Guides and their conscious alignment… IDIOT.

But it’s fine, I figured it out later through a month-long journey through a fucking soul map.

But yeah, the Water and Fire thing, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, shifting from one to the other, was all spelled out pretty clear there.

In the Soul Body, the Fire energy was being shoved in by way of outside manipulation and was causing even more instability. Literally, the healing was done by forcing “Water” through every single energy line in the body, spinning the energy to raise the frequency, and then reconnecting lines to where they needed to be in order to allow the restructuring to occur.

New Life and Regeneration

Literally, I was so fucking on point with that. If you’ve read through all of the solo readings for December, then you know that the “regeneration” that I talked about, the integration of the Higher Self into the conscious layers and the physical body is happening right now. They’re in that mode with the collective. They’re not all on the same level at the moment, but they are experiencing this process right now.

5 of Wands, Pressure

In the original reading within the time frame of the first half of 2018, I talk about the signatures of that time frame and what was going to be leading into the second half. The 5 of Wands was a card that came out in a set and this is what I wrote about it:

  • “This all comes to a head and clashes under The Tribe card with the 5 of Wands. This is aggression, fighting, and general conflict. There are tension and aggravation within a certain set of them that are getting more and more stressed out. A lot of pressure building up. I see this as being a physical manifestation of "The Wobble.””

This wasn’t a physical manifestation of the group’s energy, this was literally just Hoseok. The pressure building up at this time was his energy center in the Soul Body. Even the readings I did where his energy was present would have him coming out with Wands, Fire energy, in almost all of them. You can even go back to Hoseok and Yoongi’s relationship reading which I posted 5 days after the original outlook reading. And again in his Elemental Alignment reading which came out four days after the Outlook reading.

This here was something that I wrote in Hoseok’s EA reading when I pulled the 5 of Wands, the Knight of Wands, and the Ace of Wands in one go for him:

  • “Extremely Aggressive Energy - These were the first cards to come out while I was shuffling. Specifically, these three cards are the most WAND ENERGY of the Wand suit. Five of Wands is aggression and conflict. The Knight of Wands is like my idea of “double fire” and pertains to speed and action, all movement, no thinking. And of course, the Ace of Wands is like Elemental Fire on the level of Divinity — it holds a lot of potentials, a lot of BIG IDEAS that in this set here are just not possible. It’s just a lot, it feels very manic, it’s moving in a bunch of different directions in a small place. It’s very tense energy and very aggressive. With this I saw the image of the boxer again, trying to get this tension and aggravation out through aggressive action and inflicting pain on himself.”

Like, I swear to god, if I could go back in time and slap myself across the face and scream “WAKE UP, SHEEPLE” I would because how did I miss that? How did it take me a month to figure out that Hoseok’s energy center was where the fucking Fire energy was coming into the Soul Body?

This energy was literally his energy center, and it was starting to manifest on a conscious level, or it had been already, but it was just starting to get to a point where “pressure was building” because he, on a conscious level, was pushing it down as it was coming up as severe mood swings, stress, and anxiety — aspects of himself that he prefers to hide.

The Lovers and the 4 of Pentacles were Yoongi

In the second half of 2018 time frame of the original reading I had pulled these cards as part of a set that would cover the last six months of the year. This is what I wrote about them:

  • “The Lovers - Some sort of connection with the Guides. Feeling Divinely Guided to do something, some sort of shift. First opportunity to shift or regain actual control. I saw Namjoon and Yoongi for this one so either Mr. Know-It-All-Virgo Man or Mr. Feel-It-All-Pisces Man is going to get the fucking hint and try to do something. This might be the collaborative work.

  • 4 of Pentacles - The low vibration, earthly influence is going to step in. Literally just like the image, trapping them, controlling them for money’s sake. Really putting a stopper on whatever it is that Namjoon or Yoongi is going to do. Kind of tightening the grip, hands around the neck a lot tighter. It’s like if this happens their Guides are going to be fighting with whatever is guiding the people who are restricting them.”

Again it’s so obvious and I hate myself.

Yoongi was the one, as I’ve mentioned about a thousand times, who was the most coherent through the whole thing, he was very aware of something being wrong. He was the only one out of all of them to remain connected to the unconscious mind, and therefore stayed connected to his inner knowing, guidance, and awareness.

In the Rap Line Relationship reading, I shared images of what I had been shown just recently about how the energy was being exchanged, and there was a note on it about how Namjoon’s energy center was splitting the transmissions between the remnant and Yoongi’s unconscious mind. That was why I was seeing both Yoongi and Namjoon here.

They were working together on this, working on establishing a reconnect, but it was happening unconsciously.

The transmission Yoongi was receiving could have put ports in the music in a way where they could have been filled, but as we all know now, a lot of his work was rejected for the albums around that time. So, he was channeling, pretty much filling in for Namjoon, but in a low-vibe manipulated twist of fate, his work that carried the transmissions was getting shut down.

How interesting.

Again, I’m sure it would have fucking clicked if I had considered the layers of consciousness and energy here. I honestly can’t remember why I didn’t.

Brand deals overseas and “time to go”

Within the same time frame as the previous set I had gotten this whole thing about being so run down that the group collectively started to think about leaving or about changing things up in some way in terms of how they work. (December 20, 2018 Edit: Lol, Jin literally dropped the bomb saying that they thought about disbanding earlier this year.) It had to do with them getting sick during the tour, getting injured, being run down and all of this happening because their Guides were trying to get them so uncomfortable with that situation that they had to rethink their position and demand more.

Literally, it culminated around the contract renewal. All of them getting injured and sick or feeling overworked in that tight space of time while they were on tour is what helped them present their demands or conditions while renewing their contract, therefore putting them back (slightly) into a position of power.

The brand deals overseas that I mentioned as well were part of that as it presented more money that they would be aware that they weren’t getting a fair cut of or something like that. Something about the overseas deals making money and appropriate cuts a priority so that, in that way as well, they could take back control or a higher position in a sense.

This is what I wrote about the Time To Go card:

  • “The three cards in the middle are Imagine, Peace, and Time To Go. They really interested me because they came out like that on top of each other. I didn’t really understand it at first until I had laid out the other two sets and slapped them in the middle. Really, if you just read them out as they are the message is clear, “Imagine peace, time to go.” — They will be overworked and fed up with what is going on, so much so that they, as a group or as individuals, will contemplate leaving the tour, quitting the group, or something would happen to them physically that would literally just put one of them in the hospital again. Again this will be a challenge or a push from their Guides to get them to break away from the bindings that they would potentially be in at this time.”

Namjoon being a focus due to his disconnect.

I dropped the ball on this one, I think. The mending aspect to Namjoon’s awareness, his “Deep Knowing” is what was actually being presented here, again, through the level of the unconscious rather than the conscious mind. That is why the focus was on him when it came to their Guides. He is literally the Crown Chakra of the Soul Body, if he is disconnected, they are all disconnected.

They were focusing on him, presenting things to him constantly to try and trigger him into reconnecting. This is why I was seeing the solo album with this set — they were using that as a means to get him re-integrate or merge with his Higher Self again through soul connection or inner awareness.

The reason I was seeing him as being the first or the one to lead the shift in awareness is that, well, he is the fucking Crown. He shifts everything, he leads everything on every level. This was not happening on a conscious level so him being the one to bring things up with the company was an absolute toss, and was more in line with what Yoongi would have been doing as he was more involved with this consciously.

The Leg Up and Go The Distance shit wasn’t something he was going to do or already doing, it was the literal timeline that they were meant to be shifting to. Literally, his Guides were very blatantly telling me that they were trying to “Mend” his “Deep Knowing” so that he could get “A Leg Up” — Jump — to the upper timeline which, as I get to, later on, is represented by Go The Distance.

This is what I wrote for this bit:

  • “This came out and once I laid them out I instantly saw Namjoon, so this has to do with him. I think he will be the first to really start thinking of ways out or he will be acting as the leader and bringing up his concerns with the company. The Deep Knowing and Mending are there in that energy, him understanding somewhat of what is happening and trying to fix it. This knowledge and understanding of the situation will make it difficult for him to be manipulated, giving him A Leg Up and allowing him to Go The Distance. This bit here read more as potential. Like, right now with the path they are on Namjoon will, for sure, get to this point, but the bottom two cards only stand as an option that he will have.

  • With this, I was also seeing solo projects or collaboration projects, focus on a solo album or a release of a solo album. I don’t know if that was specifically for Namjoon, but I fucking hope it is because RM was the best album of all time and literally no one can convince me that RM 2.0 won’t be equivalent to the second coming of Christ.

  • Either way, one of them is going to have some awareness or some sense of being stifled and will branch out and put a lot of energy into solo work around this time in order to speak. (I don’t have confirmation and I didn’t see or get anything about it, but I feel like this is definitely Namjoon because so far he is the only one in BTS that had full alignment with their Higher Selves in their Elemental Alignment reading. He is a highly developed soul, he’s had multiple lifetimes with all of the other guys, and he’s one of the more “Special” cases that their Guides are really focusing on — so I think he’s the one that will be doing this, but that’s just a thought from me.)”

Like, honestly, throughout this whole reading I was like right on top of things but then at the last minute, I would just veer the fuck off a cliff simply because I was focused on the conscious state.

See, this is a great example of why I always tell people that it’s good to be aware of the layers of consciousness whether you’re the one doing the reading or you’re just someone who is reading someone else’s work. Not being aware of all the layers can make what you are picking up on very cloudy and messy, and relatively inaccurate.

Keep that in mind, peeps.

The Soul Body Healing was literally right there.

Right after the previous bit in the first half of 2019, the very first card I pulled for the time frame was the 8 of Wands which I described like this:

  • “This bit here would be leading from the potential of one or more people in BTS having awareness of the situation and also having the balls to speak up about it to the company. Again, these are in order of how things could potentially play out.

  • 8 of Wands - A lot of energy would swoop in, it actually feels very manic. Like, it would have all built up and the second just one of them opens the floodgates it’s game over. I was seeing connections happening here, like their Guides and their Higher Selves would have more connection to their subconscious and would then be able to give them a bigger shove in the right direction. They would really feel this happen and we as an audience might even see this, might catch it in things they say or do around this time if this is where they end up.”

This was literally the Soul Body healing, like plain and simple, this is what this is. Even the use of the term “floodgates” vibes so hard with the actual healing it’s embarrassing.

The connections were happening through the Soul group on a conscious and unconscious level which raised the vibration enough to direct the energy through to the Soul Body which allowed for the reconnection and restructuring to occur, and then for the connection and reintegration to start happening with the Higher Selves and for their Guides to be more involved.

And yeah, they really felt this happen and, no shit, we as an audience saw it happen, like what the fuck. I’m honestly so mad, I hate re-reading my posts because I’m always like “this is hard to explain” or I’ll say something and it’s just slightly off and I’m like WHY? WHY ARE YOU DUMB? YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE THIS WHY DID YOU WRITE IT LIKE THAT??

Like, honestly, the fact that my Guides literally told me that I need to study more so they can show things more clearly and so that I can understand more is probably due to this shit right here.

Collective shift and alignment with the Divine Feminine

Yin and Yang, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine were a big thing in the original reading and at the time I was completely unaware of the fact that one of the biggest points to the ascension process is a collective (global collective) reconnect with the Divine Feminine.

A lot of people that talk about the shift and the ascension process were alluding to this most likely fleshing itself out more within the collective in the earlier half of 2019. The second half of 2019 is the time frame that I pulled the Yin card out all on its own, separate from the Divine Masculine counterpart, Yang, and since everything is shifting forward for them, speeding up so that they can be ahead of their soul group and lead a smoother shift, it makes more sense of why that was there.

I was kind of on track with that, I guess, but for the most part, I was still focused on intuitive and emotional connection, which is accurate, I guess, as the “acting through soul/heart” thing is exactly how that would be presented consciously.

Alignment with the higher timeline

All throughout the original reading the “Go The Distance” card was presented as a representative of the higher timeline, the one they recently jumped to, the one that is NOT currently collapsing in on itself and making everyone who’s tied to lower frequencies get even more insane, and it’s very interesting that it's directly associated with the “divine intervention” that occurred through the Soul Body healing by way of raising vibration through the collective Soul Group.

Towards the end of the reading, the potentials were getting very spread out and weak, but the strongest ones were the last two which I wrote out like this:

  • “The Star - Divine Intervention. Call back to the “Go The Distance” set in the previous section with The Fates and Higher Power. Basically, something beyond their Guides, something of extremely high vibration would actually intervene and set them back to where they need to be. This would be an extreme shift. It’s very unlikely that this will happen, but in a sense, their Guides have already put out a “notice” that they are drifting and being manipulated away from their path, and if necessary they will need to be thrown the fuck back on it, which is kind of out of their realm of capability as Guides.

  • The Magician - Radical Rebellion. This could either be a solo thing, or this is the result of The Star. This is where they would decide they’ve had enough and basically go on strike or some shit like that. Demand more or just go against the company and low-vibe people every chance they get. Speaking out against them, making music to be released privately, leaking shit, just random things like that. They would take everything they had and use it to change their situation. Again, this is very unlikely, and I do think it really is with The Star and not something they would just do out of nowhere.”

Someone needs to shame me for this because like… I talk about independent layers of awareness and evolution of the human consciousness through ascension, yet I was severely in denial about divine intervention happening in a way that would be noticeable… and then proceeded to fucking man the ship of that divine intervention like a month later… amazing.

It was a “path of least resistance” thing as well, like the same reason my readings following the original outlook reading carried transmissions for the soul group is the same reason I was the one to get the fucking soul map in the first place.

Summation spelling shit out

The very final set of cards at the end of the reading were the most blatant and straight up way of saying, “no matter what happens, this shit is going to get cleared up.”

The ascension itself is a natural process like it’s literally evolution, it literally will happen to everyone no matter what. The stress and the issue with it were that you have all this built up energy, multiple lifetimes that were all leading to this moment in which they, as individually developed souls, would literally be the driving force behind millions of people’s ascension.

Like… would you not be pissed if you put in hundreds of years of work towards letting parts of your body that you cut off to grow into individual people so that they could change the world and shit, and then right at the last minute, in the last lifetime, everything just gets taken away and millions of people fall behind and have to take a slightly more pressurized and potentially traumatizing process towards conscious evolution.

I ask again:


So, in the previous timeline, the Soul Body healing was necessary not only for them to shift up, but for the soul group to maintain a heightened vibration while they were “incapacitated.”

With the current timeline, the one they are on and some of the people in the Soul Group are on, it’s almost like the Soul Body healing didn’t happen because it’s almost like the Soul Body manipulation didn’t happen. It literally doesn’t matter. It existed only to boost them up and to help the Soul Group maintain a higher vibration, and now it’s done.

Pretty much the collective station now is that you are where you are, and now everyone is just moving individually. So, if you jumped timelines already, great, if you didn’t, you will eventually. Just as it is with BTS, the ascension is just happening now. There’s no real need for anyone over a certain vibration or frequency to put effort into it or make a big fuss about it unless they want to.

For instance, I’ve been told straight up that I can stop with the blog and all the readings and stuff and just go back to living a normal human life because I’m pretty much done with what I was supposed to do, but I have the choice to stick around and help people that need it.

It’s on an individual basis now, it’s past the tipping point, so it’s more about being in that Divine Feminine flow, that receptive energy. Just in a space of allowing things to happen as they need to and not allowing yourself to literally stay in a collapsing timeline.

It’s all some shit, isn’t it, lol.

So, let’s get on with the actual reading.

Just to avoid making the same mistakes as last time, I am going to be using a lot of cards and a lot of energy analysis to be sure that I am reading the right levels at the right time. And to avoid making this any longer than it needs to I'm going to write things out as I would in my notebook, just as summaries and notes.

The Reading:


January, February, and March 2019

Overall Energy

Yesod — Root — Connection
Raziel — Angel of Mystery
Sahaqiel — Angel of Sky

[a move towards completion of the integration through an expansion of self-awareness and questioning the surroundings. ]

Namjoon1 (1).png

Individual Energetic Influences:


Higher Self: Balance
Guides: Fork In The Road | Co-Create | Serendipity
Conscious Levels: Eight of Cups

[reconnecting to the Higher Self, coming back into merging, being presented with a lot of decisions, another wave of mental shit very similar to what it was like when the soul body healing started to manifest on a conscious level, just a big wave of channeling, but mostly in terms of self-progression rather than transmissions, although, he could still share the experience.]



Higher Self: Nurturing
Guides: Mending + Chaos and Conflict
Conscious Levels: Death

[has to do with what I got in his solo reading in which he is being asked to take care of himself, but on both ends, he’s contradicting himself. One end is taking things easy while consciously he refuses to do it, so the guides are taking care of both sides]



Higher Self: ‘I Am’ Presence
Guides: Come To The Edge
Conscious Levels: Nine of Cups + 10 of Cups

[big emotional influx, might be a bit difficult as it kind of implies emotional purging, releasing what he has been shoving down, very open and honest, very free in terms of expression, even if it is just with himself (December 20, 2018 Edit: Literally more of what we saw when he cried during his speech, that kind of release.)]



Higher Self: Meditation
Guides: Observer + A Change In The Wind
Conscious Levels: Two of Swords

[in observation of the others through his Libra-ness, the reflection, seeing them change and reflecting on himself, starting to be reintroduced to the image of himself and his own perception. A slow start mostly focused on the others.]



Higher Self: Rebirth
Guides: Poised
Conscious Levels: The Star

[just doing his thing, sticking with his integration as it is now, much more relaxed. He's vibing with his soul pretty hard honestly like he's in it.]



Higher Self: Visualisation
Guides: Loyal Heart
Conscious Levels: The Hierophant + Temperance

[introduction of water into the system, reconnect through the heart/soul through artistry, homeboy better start painting original shit]



Higher Self: Angels and Masters
Guides: Higher Power + Deep Knowing + Regeneration
Conscious Levels: Two of Cups

[speedy integration, lightning quick, the angels and masters imply the domino effect of the soul body, how everyone else will have begun integrating so it will zoom right through him as he is the "last domino to fall." The experiences of the others will fall into him. Will start to reach out to people again, try to gain back the lines lost through that mountain-building thing in his core. Will either reestablish a connection with the fans or something within his personality will be noticeably different to the audience or general public. (December 20, 2018 Edit: Lol, all those selfies and chatroom things that he's been doing recently.) Experiencing emotional connection and awareness, a rise in empathy.]

Energetic Influence By The Month


January 2019

Soul Level: ‘I Am’ Presence
Guided Influence: Exchanging Gifts
Conscious or Physical ManifestationAce of Swords + Ace of Wands

[Coming back into power and leading with their own thoughts and action. Something brand new, new energy entirely. This should be noticeable unless it is literally being exchanged as a seed and the self-awareness aspect is simply the beginning.]


February 2019

Soul Level: Inner Child
Guided Influence: The Fates
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: The Magician

[reconnecting to the creative influence, back in line with what they are meant to be doing, soul connection through passion and creativity. They will be creating something or something will be springing up, something that has been in the works for a while.]

March 2019.png

March 2019

Soul Level: Relationships
Guided Influence: By The Book + Happy, Happy
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: Justice

[feels karmic, may be related to what comes up in February in terms of coming into their power and directing it. This could be either a break with ties they do not want or connections being made that they do want. Either way, they will be getting something that they want and this will be a “rightful place” kind of thing. This may happen behind the scenes.]


April, May, June 2019

Overall Energy

Yesod — Root — Connection
Keter — The Crown — Spirituality
Da’at — Null — Emptiness

[integration further progressing, collective Higher Self integration or awareness, fully being guided by the Higher Self or inner guidance. Expanded consciousness and awareness. There something about "physical touching" coming up but I have no idea what that means, maybe a sense of a closer connection through their work or... a meet and greet?? I don't fucking know lol. Something about closer connections on a conscious and physical level.]

Individual Energetic influences



Higher Self: Family
Guides: Here and Now + Unfinished Symphony
Conscious Levels: The Devil

[Bringing in something more from the past, something in the roots, something that he needs to finish. He’s seeing more of where he kept himself from being able to connect with other people rather than seeing it as something that was necessary or caused by something outside of himself. Could be emotional and mental purging. He could experience stress at this time, might be writing a lot more because of his processing.]



Higher Self: Grounding
Guides: Time For A Nap + Yang + Between Worlds
Conscious Levels: The Hanged Man

[Still trying to get him to chill out and let things pass. The Higher Self is merging with the physical body and giving that very Pisces “between worlds” and “hanged man” kind of vibes. The grounding aspect may be extremely necessary at that point, which is why Yang, a more physical based and conscious level energy is being presented in order to help things move smoother and avoid any instability. He may be at a point here where the Higher Self has no choice but to relax, or the others will be in a state where Yoongi's Higher Self is comfortable letting them handle themselves the rest of the way.]



Higher Self: Soul Healing
Guides: Go The Distance
Conscious Levels: The Sun

[Continuing on from the previous set of his now with the soul healing, bringing things to the surface with no ill intent or self-blame. It’s is the very free and open feeling that usually follows the end of an emotional purge. He even has the sun present here some of the other guys did in their solo readings. A great show of the “acting from the heat, living through the soul.” No more suppression, only open honesty with himself and others.]



Higher Self: Balance
Guides: Poised + A Leg Up
Conscious Levels: Justice

[Starting to take that outer awareness and turn it inward, it’s just starting to be turned on himself. Very steady and slow progression. Just like Yoongi, it will move slow and his Guides will give him some cushioning to avoid any instability.]



Higher Self: Communication
Guides: Blessed
Conscious Levels: The High Priestess + The World + Wheel of Fortune + Justice

[High vibe shit, full integration, inner communication, awareness, at least on the subconscious level, of the Higher Self and of external Guidance. Actively and consciously aligning making it very, very easy for his Guides to work with him. ]



Higher Self: Self-Mastery
Guides: No Place Like Home
Conscious Levels: Glitch.EXE

[Break down of that split inner core, may be more existential as a questioning of identity could be presented to him, but it would be for the sake of bringing him back to his core. He may not seem well around this time, maybe a bit off emotionally or seem shy or reserved. He would be more aware of his "many faces" and therefore become self-conscious again with how he presents himself and how people see him.]



Higher Self: Inner Child
Guides: Flexible
Conscious Levels: The Chariot

[Again, following the others through the process, very malleable. I’ve mentioned somewhere before that Kook’s energy is very moldable and can be guided very easily. That’s what this is here. He’s bending and flowing along the path of the integration process with the others, he's following the paths that the others have formed through their own progression. This leads to very quick conscious expansion as well. Very quick creative output. He may work more on solo things around this time or there would be an influx of creative expression, sharing his work, wanting to talk to people more.]

Energetic Influence By The Month


April 2019

Soul Level: Rebirth
Guided Influence: No Place Like Home
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: Knight of Cups

[It’s more like things are settling in energetically, this can play out as things externally falling into place as well. Something quite happy and positive can come from this. Even just a break in the integration, like some "quiet time." I've seen that in personal readings where there would be a huge influx followed by a month or two of nothing at all just to allow everything to settle back in. It's a time to restructure and become familiar with the new energy so that there is a smooth foundation for the next wave.]


May 2019

Soul Level: Universal Light
Guided Influence: Flexible + The Fates
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: Ten of Cups

[This is like an extension of the previous month. Whatever is positive within the King of Cups is expanded on and “sparked up” into the 10 of Cups by way of pure alignment on all levels between all seven of them with the layers of consciousness and guidance. This would be the next wave. Literally, it's like the Knight of Cups was the "appetizer," just something to give them a taste of those cups, and here is the full course meal of that Divine Feminine energy, the receptive energy.]]


June 2019

Soul Level: Clarity
Guided Influence: Message In A Bottle
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: The Empress + Wheel of Fortune

[That alignment brings about some level of understanding or inner knowing amongst the seven of them. It’s something that will cause them to consciously want to shift their foundations, change things, move with the Higher Self and their Guides. Moving closer towards their purpose collectively. This is like the conscious integration of the 10 of Cups, it's how they sync up and start to move with each other again. Something big could come from this with public perception as well as they could release something or do something with their work that has a positive impact.]


July, August, September 2019

Overall Energy

Azrael — Angel of Death
Netzah — Right Leg — Endurance
Keter — The Crown — Spirituality

[Implimenting change on a physical level, riding the ascension, potentially experiencing difficulties adapting. Purging connections to old timelines, rapid ascension. This could be stressful again. Really feeling a lot of migraines as the Crown Chakra for all of them would literally be opening, they would all start channeling the way Namjoon does, just taking in energy, which may overload some of them. They could seem tired here.]

Individual Energetic Influence



Higher Self: Inner Child
Guides: Clean It Up
Conscious Levels: Knight of Wands

[Moving inward towards his passions, starting to remove self-doubt and self-criticism. Acting on his passions, acting from the heart, speaking up more. Bolder movements. Breaking down certain structures either on the conscious level or in his own perception.]



Higher Self: Spiritual Awakening
Guides: Yin
Conscious Levels: Ace of Wands

[Connecting on a much deeper level to the Divine Feminine, connecting to Divine Inspiration. Just like Namjoon, he will be much more likely to act on his passions, speak up. This may be more internal though. Namjoon and Yoongi will be in sync again.]



Higher Self: Soul Healing
Guides: Building Blocks
Conscious Levels: Judgement

[Becoming more critical of the ego, dismantling the ego through self-analysis. Expansion in self-awareness. He could also seem disconnected from the others, or just quieter in general as he would be in a state of contemplation, very much vibing with The Hermit in a way. Very in his head around this time. It might not be noticeable to the public unless he's at a point where he would share it, but I don't think he would be.]



Higher Self: Dreams
Guides: Mending
Conscious Levels: Three of Swords

[Becoming aware of subconscious blocks. Repressed memories coming to the surface, being guided to “face his demons” on a superficial level. This can be very stressful, but it is part of the process of cutting ties with past trauma, struggles, and lower frequencies altogether. Subconscious purging, following Hoseok's trigger with self-reflection and the collapse of negative perception. Jimin may have a harder time with this depending on whether Kook and Hoseok are in positions to help him through it.]



Higher Self: Play
Guides: Here and Now
Conscious Levels: Queen of Pentacles + Ten of Cups

[Extremely comfortable. Resting period following the integration, very similar to where Yoongi is meant to be right now in terms of the Higher Self being asked to or allowed to chill out and relax while everything settles. On all levels, things will be very smooth and “by the moment.” He’d be in a great position to help any of the others that were struggling at this time. Lol, he can help Jimin.]



Higher Self: Peace
Guides: Come To The Edge
Conscious Levels: The Tower

[This seems to be one of those “hands off the wheel” kind of moments in which Guides and the Higher Self will literally take a step back and allow the individual on their own to consciously break through some of their own blocks. Based on the presence of The Tower, I assume that’s exactly what will be happening here. With Come To The Edge, it’s literally like they’re setting him up for exposure therapy, but allowing him to have complete and total control over the situation. This could be an extension of his previous state, may be much more stressed out with it as his own reality that he built up, that house made of faces, is pretty much getting smashed down and he has to actually look people in the eye without anything to hide behind. That's very scary for him, but the presence of Peace is the cushion that he'll have just like everyone else.]



Higher Self: Visualization
Guides: Treasure Island
Conscious Levels: Two of Wands

[An “introduction” to rapid manifestation through independent pursuits. Coming into his own being after sticking to the paths that are laid by the other guys. Either planning or executing a solo project of some kind, trying to expand on it and grow it as much as possible. Wanting to see it expand past his expectations. Feeling more like an "adult" or feeling more separate from the others in a positive way. Some of those anchors that he has in Jimin and Taehyung may start to break away so that he isn't literally being dragged through everyone else's path, he can start pursuing his own. Depending on how this comes up, he could carry himself differently, maybe talk more in interviews. He'll really try to present that image of "independent adult."]

Energetic Influence By The Month


July 2019

Soul Level: Creativity
Guided Influence: Observer
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: Knight of Wands

[In line with what Namjoon and Yoongi are experiencing here in this time frame in terms of taking inspiration and starting to implement it more, act on it without any fear. The aspect of observation I think comes from the members that are not at that level yet, that frequency output will trigger another shift in them to help them keep progressing.]


August 2019

Soul Level: Angels and Masters
Guided Influence: Regeneration
Conscious of Physical Manifestation: The Chariot

[Collective integration most likely following that state of observation on the collective level between the seven of them. It causes them to align and shift together all at once, leading to a more rapid movement on the physical level. A lot of changes could occur around this time, or just a lot of hubbub, in general, surrounding them as a result of this.]


September 2019

Soul Level: Rebirth
Guided Influence: Loyal Heart
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: The Hanged Man

[that rapid movement gets halted through another shift internally, something that gets them all on the exact same or similar frequencies that are close enough to have them aligned at the soul. Depending on the person they could waver a bit, be a bit off physically or mentally, could be tired or seem to be not very clear or focused.]


October, November, December 2019

Overall Energy

Keter — The Crown — Spirituality
Gevurah — Left Hand — Judgement
Phanuel — Angel of Truth

[Air of finality, higher levels of consciousness and clarity. Ushering in a “new age” or a “new era” of things. Very open in terms of accepting inner and external guidance on all levels. Could potentially experience another timeline jump or have completed their jobs here in a sense, or at least what was meant to be done as a group.]

Individual Energetic Influences



Higher Self: Determination
Guides: Unfinished Symphony
Conscious Levels: Ace of Wands

[Being directed towards bringing something to completion, fulfilling his individual purpose. Separating from the group to return to his original ideas and plans.]



Higher Sefl: Universal Light
 Fork In The Road
Conscious Levels: Two of Pentacles

[Being presented with the opportunity to fulfill personal life purpose or soul fulfillment. For Yoongi, especially on a soul level, it seems to be difficult for him to separate himself from the group as he feels like he can’t trust them to progress fully or stay on track on their own, so if he's still in that position where he's comfortable with where the others are at and they are in sync, he'll be in the same boat as Namjoon. He'll be in a position to relax or step towards his personal soul purpose and fulfillment, whatever that may be. He seems to have more choice with it than Namjoon, or less of a plan than Namjoon.]



Higher Self: Spiritual Awakening
Guides: To Be Fair + Between Worlds
Conscious Levels: Six of Cups

[Cuttting ties with past timelines as well as past lifetimes collectively, a final clearing out of lower frequencies. Very wavy energy. Could be doing the same as the others and disconnecting from their "contract" with their group soul purpose, especially if it is completed at this point in time. The To Be Fair and Between Worlds here really feels like this kind of "payout" for the physical and mental struggle and pain he endured through the process. Like, he'll have room to move through things independently as that receptibility will either loosen or become so open that it's not even noticeable to him anymore.]



Higher Self: Inner Child
Guides: Loyal Heart
Conscious Levels: Wheel of Fortune

[Bringing forth the Inner Child, the soul’s passion and living through the soul after dismantling the internal blocks. A noticeable change, maybe noticeable confidence boost. Very free, not so timid. Louder even. There's a lot of comforts here, he may still want to stay connected to the group or connected to the group work, but there is a shift with how he connects to them consciously. It's a release of that co-dependence.]



Higher Self: Psychic Development
Guides: Go The Distance
Conscious Levels: Ace of Swords

[Just as with the rest of them he will be seeking out his personal life purpose and soul fulfillment. Very similar to Jimin in the sense that he will be more open, more self-serving, very confident with his decisions and movements. Very excited to see what he does around this time.]



Higher Self: Inner Strength
Guides: Flexible
Conscious Levels: The Hanged Man

[Still a bit behind but progressing. Being shoved in the right direction towards inner connection. Not afraid to see his own true self, but maybe still a bit hidden away when it comes to other people, especially the public. Being put in positions where he can slowly step out of his core and express through the soul like everyone else. This can come through solo ventures as well or separation from the group dynamic, sort of forcing him to be around more people in a vulnerable position.]



Higher Self: Life Purpose
Guides: The Fates
Conscious Levels: Ace of Cups

[Something quite big, something to do with what he was planning or setting out to do in the previous timeframe. Alignment and even direct fulfillment of his personal life purpose, which brings around a very high level of fulfillment on a conscious level. A real break out of his dependency on the other guys on a conscious and soul level. Very nice.]

Energetic Influence By the Month


October 2019

Soul Level: Universal Light
Guided Influence: Happy, Happy
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: The World

[Alignment with the self towards self-fulfillment, fulfillment of soul purpose on an individual level, opens the door for collective fulfillment. Incredibly bright times. The presence of The World as the physical manifestation suggests completion of the group soul purpose. There is finality, the bringing in of the "Universal Light," the Sun energy, the projected higher frequency.]


November 2019

Soul Level: Communication
Guided Influence: Peace
Conscious or Physical manifestation:  The Fool

[Complete integration, expanded awareness, ascension at equal levels. The “new era.” The Fool card is the first in the deck, number 0, and it would follow the ending of a cycle with The World, the final major arcana. This shit really is like a new fucking era entirely omg.]


December 2019

Soul Level: Divine Wisdom
Guided Influence: Higher Power
Conscious or Physical Manifestation: The Sun

[...the fucking SUN bitch... the SUN. Collective integration on equal levels, projecting and manifesting on a conscious level. The Sun, living through the Heart, living through the Soul. Collective consciousness being tapped into. High Vibe. Incredibly beautiful energy. Something magical. Absolute completion of the group purpose, full integration, potentially shifting the collective to a higher timeline.]

That is all, thank you for reading! And have a happy New Year!


Gif Credit:  certifiedtaehyung