Are the members of Red Velvet overworked or underpaid?

August 17, 2018

Hi! People are talking about how Red Velvet’s latest performances aren’t very impressive, their dancing isn’t synchronized and Yeri’s dancing is kinda lazy + the girls don’t look very happy in general. at the same time their song is doing well and they got paks. is it possible that they are overworked or underpaid?
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

I’ve actually done an energy reading on the group that I will post today in a little bit, so maybe there is some stuff in there that might be influencing this?? Maybe??? In the meantime, I have pulled some cards for them here.

Overworked, definitely. There’s also some sort of “breakdown” happening with someone, or maybe all of them right now. I was seeing it quite literally like a child throwing a tantrum because of how tired they are. It doesn’t seem to be much more than that, but yeah, for sure, they’re exhausted.