Will Yoongi and Suran collab again?

August 30, 2018

I really love the music Yoongi and Suran release together, do you perhaps know if they will collab again? I’m also curious about his collab with Korean senior singer Lee Sora produced by Tablo, which was supposed to come out last year. thank you 🙏🙏🙏
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

YES… at some point.

They have a soulmate connection so working together really, really helps both of them mentally and on a soul level. They want to work together again but there are some blocks there for some reason like that energy feels stunted. This could be fear on her side due to backlash from fans for collaborating. They both do want to work together again for sure and there may be something that they are working on, but like I said, it’s stalled on one side.

As for the other collaboration, it looks like it’s done but it’s being held onto?? Literally, the Page is like holding the final product, it’s done, but nothing is happening with it or it’s not ready to come out?? lol I don’t know.