How do EXO and BTS see each other?

December 28, 2018

Hello! I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about how EXO and BTS see each other? I’ve seen some of their interactions, i believe some of them are friends and since I really enjoy both groups, i got curious about their relationship o: Also, i really just wanna say how much i love your blog, you’re amazing!❤❤
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

On BTS’ side they’re seeing EXO as literally rising from the dead and it’s not something career based, it’s something behind the scenes. With the 5 of Cups there behind The Fool, they’re focused on some kind of revival that is coming out of a place of emotional upsets and very stressful energy. I have absolutely no idea what that’s about, but it’s something completely separate from the industry or their careers.

Then EXO on a collective level is much more focused on BTS within their work. They’re really focused on the actual artistry of what they do as well as the delivery of it. I think collectively, whether they all like them or not, there is this genuine respect on EXO’s side towards BTS.

You know, it’s actually really weird because on BTS’ side it’s like they’re seeing something more personal with EXO, but they feel very distant. And then EXO is collectively focusing on the more superficial side, yet they feel like they’re looking at BTS through a microscope. So, BTS, as a whole, could be hearing something about EXO from other people, like their staff, or if there are friends between the groups, they’re hearing things secondhand. Then EXO isn’t really hearing anything about BTS, they’re just watching them like everyone else. Very strange, lol.