How do the members of TWICE see Nayeon?

hi i have a question, can you do a reading on how the members of twice perceive nayeon??
— anonymous @ tumblr

Nayeon - The Lovers

Within the group, Nayeon projects the energy of The Lovers, which in itself is high-frequency energy. It really makes an impact on the group’s energy, it contributes something to the foundation of it. Rather than my personal interpretation of this card which has to do with internal alignment and connection to the Higher Self, I was seeing this as representing the more traditional meanings. With that, it comes off as if Nayeon is like a conduit of communication within the group, she holds lines of connection between the other members. This could be more of a conscious level thing where she’s literally the peace-keeper, she could be the one to settle arguments or guide the others to settle their own, or it can be more psychological where she is opening ports of understanding within them as individuals, which then lays a foundation for group that sets them up for a more natural flow.

I mean, overall, she’s presenting harmony and balance within the group, but it comes off more like this is something that she builds up and maintains as if there’s a conscious level effort towards creating the energy of The Lovers within the group and then the deeper effects which contribute to the foundation of the group happens more naturally as a result of the intention.

Jihyo - The Hermit

Jihyo’s perception of Nayeon as The Hermit goes into this “guiding light” sort of image that I had in my head related to the image on the card here as well as the Rider-Waite’s Hermit. It almost comes off as mysterious or like she doesn’t really understand what Nayeon does exactly, but she knows that it brings about a lot of stability and awareness. Quite literally it’s reflecting what I was seeing with The Lovers where Jihyo is acknowledging an internal effect of self-awareness coming from The Hermit along with a more external affect of being more aware of the other members and how they feel, which is something that would occur on a conscious level if Nayeon was the one to mediate arguments or be the conduit of communication within the group.

Jeongyeon - Five of Wands

The Five of Wands is a card of tension and can oftentimes indicate arguments and fights between people. As it is in the realm of Fire (Wands = Fire), it’s more about the friction produced between projected energies. Usually, I would think that the energies projecting within the Five of Wands would be opposing each other, I was seeing it more like they are projecting the exact same energy, but they’re moving in opposite directions, smashing into each other and causing the tension.

If I had to be very specific about what I was seeing visually, it comes off more like Jeongyeon is projecting, as in like projecting insecurity onto Nayeon and upset about the fact that Nayeon is doing something she wishes she could do or feels like she is doing already but without the same results.

Actually, Nayeon is a Virgo and Jeongyeon is a Scorpio so you have Mutable Earth (Watery Earth) and Fixed Water (Earthy Water) moving against each other, thus giving it that vibe of the “exact same energy” being projected but moving in different directions. When it comes to communication or mediation, Scorpio and Virgo, on a conscious level, can have the exact same structure in mind, the exact same intentions, but they go about them very differently as Virgo is more centered in the conscious awareness of emotions and perception while Scorpio deals with awareness from the vantage point of the very, very deep subconscious.

Basically, rather than gaining that balance and clarity that The Lovers could give, Jeongyeon is more likely to deny it or argue it, saying she can figure it out on her own or something like that because her perspective is from the opposite end of the spectrum even though they are viewing the same issues.

Momo - Ace of Pentacles

Similar to Jihyo, Momo sees Nayeon as a point of stability, as if she is the “hand of God” presenting the Ace of Pentacles. Nayeon presents this foundation from which they get this internal (between the members) stability that allows them to move together collectively. This was kind of a weird visual, but I was seeing this as the pentacle presented within the Ace of Pentacles being this giant wooden board that all of the members have to stand on. This board is then placed into a river with strong currents and rapids. The board itself brings them some support and because of how they are positioned (positioned through the guidance of Nayeon) they are balanced, so no matter how crazy the currents get, they, as a group, very seamlessly move with it. There’s this trust in there as well where they all just know that no one is going to lose balance on this board, someone is maintaining that balance, and that would be Nayeon with The Lovers.

Sana - The Magician (rev.)

Sana sees Nayeon as the reversed Magician which I was seeing as an “all talk, no bite” kind of thing. It’s not super focused on the aspect of manifestation as I had assumed it would be when this card came out, but instead it’s more about physical force or enforcing the will. I had a few visuals for this. One was of someone hitting a walking stick on the ground but my focus was brought to how the stick didn’t actually hit the ground, it got very close but never made full contact, yet it still made a noise. Another visual was one of someone speaking with no lungs, which is hard to explain but it was definitely a thing, lol. Then the last visual was someone giving someone some kind of clay sculptor and then receiving an exact replica of that sculpture, except as soon as it hits their hands it melts.

When I kind of mashed all of those visuals together it summed itself up into a deep down version of someone who can’t take their own advice. It’s like she can make things happen for other people, she can fix problems for everyone around her, but she can’t seem to do it for herself. So, Sana sees her as The Magician in reverse, a Magician who can’t do magic, who can’t manifest. There definitely is this kind of question to it, similar to the “mysterious” quality of The Hemrit where Sana doesn’t really understand why Nayeon isn’t able to help herself the way she helps other people.

Mina - Ten of Swords

Compared to everyone else’s cards and the related perception of Nayeon, Mina’s is very, very personal and seems to be associated with negative thoughts or issues within herself that Nayeon may have helped her with. The Ten of Swords is associated with the death of a certain mindset or perception and is one of the most violently depicted cards in the Rider-Waite deck as it features a corpse pinned to the ground by ten swords as dark storm clouds begin to dissipate above as the sun either rises or sets in the background symbolizing a complete end to something but with a sliver of potential for a new beginning.

Again, this is very personal so I don’t feel comfortable going into detail about what I’m seeing with this, but basically it’s like Nayeon, through The Lovers, that assistance with internal awareness (self-awareness) and external awareness (awareness of other people and situations) has brought about the 10 of Swords for Mina before. As I said, it’s a violent card but violence isn’t being inflicted by anyone, there is no hostility here, there is just this build-up of negative perception within Mina, followed by a release which would be like the ten swords being stabbed into the person, laying that perception or way of thinking to rest, followed by a recovery period where the person is laying on the ground, the storm clouds are dissipating, and there is time take to wait for a new day to begin.

Dahyun - King of Swords (rev.)

This one made me laugh because it was such a simple and straightforward thing here. When I do these readings I look at their Kprofile page so I can see their zodiac sign and the year that they were born, and when I saw that Dahyun was a Gemini the King of Swords flipped out onto the table. The reason this was so funny to me was because as soon as I looked at the card I heard, “it could be sharper,” as in the sword could be sharper, or Nayeon’s way of communicating, or her way of handling issues within the group could be more direct and to the point. I kept getting references to a sharper sword making a cleaner cut and getting the job done faster, all kind of implying that too much emotion is involved in how Nayeon goes about handling certain things.

Now, this is isn’t  negative card, it’s not a negative perception, it’s literally just a Gemini thinking someone is being too nice by beating around the bush, trying to coax people to see their own issues when they could just flat out tell them they’re being dumb and give them a solution and be done with it. She sees the process of The Lovers as being too slow and soft when it could be quick and harsh like the King of Swords, like ripping off a BandAid.

In spite of her impatience, there is no thought or energy towards Dahyun actually butting in on the process, probably because she can see the results of it are still exactly what they need, she just wishes it was a faster process.

Chaeyoung - The Sun

I thought this was cute as it was pretty simple and straightforward when it comes to Chaeyong simply seeing Nayeon as The Sun, as joy, as happiness, as this very warm and protective energy. It’s like a big sister vibe where there is a bit of distance but there’s still a lot of ~love and light~ coming through there. Not only that, but The Sun also reflects the whole “guiding light” thing that I was getting with the other cards as well, it just feels grander here. Like with The Hermit, the guiding light is like a lantern that someone is holding, whereas here the guiding light is the whole freaking sun. That’s why it’s giving me big sister/little sister vibes as she’s Chaeyoung is seeing Nayeon’s positive qualities as being amped up or exaggerated.

Tzuyu - Queen of Cups

This is actually a perfect card to go along with the reversed King of Swords. The King of Swords without the sharpness and the direct force is the softer and more understanding Queen of Cups. The Queen of Cups gives time and energy to understanding other people and helping other people understand themselves rather than just enforcing her own views onto other people (even if she knows she’s already right). This is very soft, but stern energy. She won’t let you pull any bullshit, she’ll call you out, but she’ll also hold your hand and help you through the process of overcoming said bullshit. Quite literally, Tzuyu is seeing The Lovers, but she’s seeing a more conscious version of that energy, she’s seeing it more as a personality trait, something that is just part of who she is and how she acts regularly rather than it being just this broad sweeping energy.