Energy Check-Up for TXT

Can you do reading if txt will became so suscefull like bts?Will bts still have suscesfull carrer after jin go to military?Thanks a lot.
— Anonymous @ Tumblr
Can you do a reading on TXT? A lot of people saying they will flop and won’t last long
— Anonymous @ Tumbr

In terms of them “flopping,” it really doesn’t seem to be something that’s going to happen. A lot of the energy that could contribute to negative outcomes is coming from people that are trying to overcompensate for their growing insecurity with BTS. As the guys get closer to their military service people are getting really nervous over what’s going to happen to that throne that they are currently on, and for a lot of people it can seem like TXT was just brought in now to fill in that space when BTS goes dark. Understandable, but it’s not really something that can be dealt with in this way.

Overall there’s not really any kind of solid effect that people can have with this kind of output. From what I can tell, TXT are safe because they are riding the path that BTS has already carved. In terms of the energy they’re following right along, and in the superficial sense, they’re going to have all that publicity and focus from people specifically because they are the “next BTS” and “BTS’ juniors” and whatever else.

It’s all pretty much carved out, it seems simplistic to me, nothing too crazy in either direction. They should do well, it’d be surprising to me if they didn’t. Everything visually and within this layout spells out solid foundations, coming into a “completed world,” following in BTS’ footsteps, and finding a lot of success within that. Looks good to me.