Are Jackson and Namjoon still friends?

Are Jackson and Namjoon still friends, or as close as they were before? They seemed awkward in the year end shows and like they were avoiding each other.
— Anonymous @

There is a bit of separation now compared to what I would expect based on past interactions and such, but this separation is mainly coming from the fact that both of them are focused on work, one a bit more than the other. There’s this “friend of a friend” kind of vibe to it in the sense that they talk to each other through friends or maybe it’s something like a group chat that they have with other friends of theirs where they just check up with anyone but don’t really get one-on-one conversations that often.

There is something that they might be talking about or that Jackson is talking about with Namjoon or trying to, but it’s a little fuzzy to what that is. It seems kind of important to him, it might have something to do with his career and he’s asking Namjoon for advice or is just relaying his idea to him. But there is some kind of very specific communication happening but it’s not happening as often as it should be, and it’s not super personal or emotionally based. It’s a little confusing because they seem to be talking or connecting often enough to keep things moving between them, but they are both focusing on different things while talking about one specific thing that has nothing to do with what they want to talk about on a personal level.

Honestly, that could just be business stuff as well. Like they could both (or just one of them) be wanting to vent about company stuff or future comebacks and they just can’t because of some issues between companies and whatever else. It’s weird, I don’t really get it, but there is a connection and communication, it just doesn’t feel as casual as I would expect it to.