Energy Between BTS & Halsey

Have you heard about bts’s collaboration with Halsey? I feel it’s very strange. Like it’s more about connecting to the Western audience than anything, especially for the title track. Is there anything you can read between bts and Halsey?
— Anonymous @ Tumblr
Can u do a tarot reading on the collaboration between halsey and BTS ?
— Anonymous @ Tumblr
Hello! I really trust your readings, you are really insightful. Could you do a reading on how each member of bts sees Halsey, if you feel uncomfortable with that then just do how they as a group see her. If you have already done a reading on this then please do an updated version. Thank you !!! Have a great day!
— Anonyous @ Tumblr

Other Reading: How BTS & Halsey See Each Other

Okay, so there’s a lot going on here so I’m going to try and break it down a bit, piece by piece.

As for how the creative energy is mixing or was mixing between all of BTS and Halsey there is the Knight of Cups and the Page of Cups which really just hit me as such an open and expressive energy. It’s very focused but it’s open, and it’s that kind of vibe where everyone is listening and talking, ideas are bouncing around, everyone is vibing because everyone is moving. It’s a very fluid motion that kind of brought a lot out within the creative process. Just in terms of creative energy there actually is really, really good compatibility between Halsey and a couple of the members, which just got spread out within the process. Very nice.

When it comes to how they are seeing this collaboration, in terms of business and opportunity, Halsey is at the 9 of Pentacles while BTS is at The Magician. Both sides are considering the profits of it, but the actual product itself seems to be the main focus on both sides. Literally, as artists, they were more concerned about the actual song than they were about who’s getting what out of it. However, there’s obviously acknowledgment of the opportunity and expansion that can take place on both sides. It is much more concentrated on BTS’ side, so as usual, unlike their fans, they seem to be happy for the opportunity to work with a well-known artist as it helps them grow in certain circles in the industry.

Then for how they see each other as people, I got a lucky seven cards for BTS and they just spat themselves all over the table so I don’t know who’s is supposed to go with who’s other than two or three of them which seem pretty obvious. For the sake of not driving myself crazy with these, I’ll just list them with their little vibe-feels.

9 of Wands — reconciliation of some kind, literally dropping his guard after working with her, could have had some negative impressions prior from when they first met or just impressions based on bullshit internet nonsense

The Lovers — feeling really in sync with her creatively, likes “her vibe,” not quite as intense as The Lovers would make it seem but he wants it to be. Like, he just thinks she’s really cool and they relate to each other in a weird way, especially with humor.

6 of Pentacles — very professional, kind of dry, just doing some business. It’s looking at the connection like a simple give and takes, nothing negative, nothing positive.

The Chariot — super fucking excited to be here, sees her as being “high up,” has a lot of expectations for her and what she can do for them, a lot of energy bouncing around.

King of Wands — seeing her as a counterpart, meshing with her work mode, finding her “interesting.” This one made me laugh because it’s like he was caught off guard or didn’t think she could be serious or something? He finds her interesting because she either wasn’t what he thought she would be, or she was way different than the last time he saw her before they started working together in person. It’s very focused on her physically. There’s a lot happening with this one.

3 of Swords — not quite understanding her, could literally just be a language barrier, not being able to connect with her. The disappointment is in a lack of connection and not quite meshing with the way that he thinks he should.

The Empress — Really seeing this as A THING, really respectful and it’s focused on that aspect of creation. Literally, keep hearing the word “creation” over and over. It’s not just a song, it’s a CREATION, they’re creating something together. They’re involved in this. It’s very deep, I’m like 99% sure this goes past this one collaboration, so maybe these two specifically are working on other things together or they were the ones to communicate the most. I don’t know, but this person is very passionate about working with her.

Then for Halsey and how she, as a person, sees BTS she has the 5 of Pentacles, the 4 of Pentacles, and The High Priestess. This made me want to cry a little bit because it’s literally just saying she’s trying to be their friend and she wants to look out for them. Totally emotional about it because I remember back in 2015 when I realized she was following them on twitter and she had like tweeted about them one time and I was like :O because at the time it no one in the mainstream industry in ~western media~ gave a shit about BTS. Like, she’s a legit fan. She was into them and supporting them as a FAN before they really popped off and that’s like what this is here. She’s not just looking at it as a quick run around for clout (not that she needs it), she’s literally collabing with artists that she believes in and wants to look out for. Very nice.

And finally, as for how this collab will go, as in the song, the video, all of that — there’s just a big stirring of shit happening and I don’t entirely know what that means, but it’s happening. They got the 8 of Wands shoving all kinds of high vibe shit into The Moon and I don’t know if that’s supposed to be public reception, performance, or just them because it’s literally all over the place. Visually I was seeing it as the Hoover Dam breaking and just exploding out. So, could be some mixed opinions, but it’s going to spread nonetheless.

EDIT: a lot of people asked what cards went with which member, so:

  • 9 of Wands - Jin

  • The Lovers - Hoseok

  • 6 of Pentacles - Yoongi

  • The Chariot - Kook

  • King of Wands - Jimin

  • 3 of Swords - Taehyung

  • The Empress - Namjoon