How do the members of Stray Kids see Hyunjin?

How do the rest of stray kids see hyunjin?
— anonymous @

The energy that Hyunjin projects towards the group is a bit off and it seems that most of the members are picking up on that. He is projecting the 9 of Wands which brings up defensiveness and agitation based on paranoia or a sense of vulnerability on some level. With the way I have these cards laid out, it literally feels like the man in the 9 of Wands feels suffocated by everyone and is trying to maintain as much of his space as possible, but still doing his best to come off perfectly fine.

Bang Chan — King of Cups (rev.) with the 9 of Cups (rev.)

This shows a perception of emotional vulnerability, instability, and a lack of comfort in that realm. He’s aware of that odd defensiveness but doesn’t seem to have a grasp on what the issue really is, it’s just kind of being put off as Hyunjin being upset, not being able to control his emotions, and just quite simply not being able to be satisfied with anything. It comes off as a bit dismissive, but at the same time, it’s like this awareness pulls his attention to Hyunjin, like just keeping an eye on him.

Woojin — 7 of Swords

I’m pretty sure that the way they look at him in the state of the 9 of Wands has to do with how he actually responds to them approaching him, or more specifically how he responds when he feels threatened or like they are coming into his designated space. With the 7 of Swords, it comes off like Woojin sees Hyunjin as a cheater or a liar, someone who’s tricking everyone else. Something about this seems way more based in arguments than anything else, or even just observation of Hyunjin in arguments with other people. It’s possible that as a form of defense Hyunjin lies to keep people away or puts blame on other people in order to keep the focus off of himself, either way, there’s something here about misdirection being perceived as just straight-up lying.

Lee Know — 3 of Cups

Out of everyone, this is only one of two positive perspectives of Hyunjin. It’s very simple, not a lot of explaining needed here with the 3 of Cups as it is friendship and understanding displayed very clearly. They could relate on things having to do with insecurity and vulnerability, and therefore he views the 9 of Wands as something he can understand and relate to in Hyunjin. 

Changbin — 5 of Pentacles

This here feels very disconnected as if rather than getting any of that projected energy, he doesn’t really get much at all from Hyunjin, or at least when he’s actually in the state of the 9 of Wands. He’s closed off enough that it just feels like a void is there. The way I was seeing it in my head, considering the 5 of Pentacles, it’s like a lightbulb is broken and he literally can’t see Hyunjin. He’s trying to, trying to connect, trying to get close, but he can’t see him, doesn’t know how to approach him, all while Hyunjin, in his defensive state, pushes him away. Sort of a “lost cause” kind of vibe.

Han — 2 of Pentacles (rev.)

Instability or stress related to work, or a clear imbalance between work and more personal matters. It’s like when they have to work, Hyunjin can turn off those negative emotions and reactions, but as soon as they are off duty, the switch flips and he’s back on it. It’s back and forth, one or the other, never well balanced or clear enough to actually work through. Like he can either be so detached from his emotions, or so completely caught up in them that, either way, he can’t get a grip on something solid for himself, and Han seems to recognize that.

Felix — Page of Cups

This is another positive or more well-rounded view of Hyunjin. I did the “How Hyunjin and Felix connect” mini-reading a little bit ago and that’s what this reminded me of. It’s Felix’s awareness of Hyunjin’s Pisces energy. It’s like he’s seeing him as immature like the Page, but there’s still an understanding to it, like he gets that he’s just kind of in his own space, in his own world, and that’s where he needs to be, and he needs to be left alone sometimes. It’s a bit detached as well, but still very considerate.

Seungmin — Wheel of Fortune (rev.)

There’s a bit of frustration with this and I was seeing this as someone stuttering through a conversation, or holding up a conversation. It’s like rather than seeing Hyunjin as the Wheel of Fortune in reversed, he’s seeing Hyunjin as someone who stops the wheel from moving forward, he gums up the works in a sense. I imagine if he’s one to start arguments, or set arguments off between other people as a way to get everyone to stay away from him on occasion, then that’s kind of what this is looking at. It’s anything that causes things to not run smoothly within the group.

I.N. — The Empress (rev.)

This goes along with the 2 of Pentacles in reverse, it’s got the same kind of energy with it where it’s just a lack of balance and groundedness. It’s like he expects him to be like The Empress, very in his power and able to control his energy, emotions, and really just get shit done, and there’s a disappointment that he isn’t coming off like that. I would assume this expectation hasn’t just been pulled out of thin air. I would think that at some point, or on occasion, Hyunjin does reflect more of The Empress energy, which I think is interesting since the reading I did for him and Felix showed that he’s trying to mimic Felix’s Virgo energy. This might be why he’s doing that.