2024 Leo Season - Choice 3

For Pile 3, there is a really nice weightlessness to your set compared to the first two, and with that there is quite an emphasis put on the flow of Air and Water energy, or thoughts/communication and creativity/emotions. At the top center, your keywords are Friends, Contract, and Scorpio, which immediately brings to mind karmic contracts, or just general contracts of agreements between souls that are created in order to help each other achieve certain goals and development, or complete designated tasks for collective work. This laying over Eros really gives me this sense of something being repaid. The image on this card, the diamond in someone’s mouth is making me think of debts repaid in death or between lifetimes, so for some of you this could be a payment for someone you helped with in a past life, or someone you are going to help with in a future lifetime. Some of you, this seems very general in terms of just having a simple deal or checkpoint with another soul that you’ve worked with for a long time, a soul friend, in order to help each other along and ensure certain experiences for each other.

At the top, your reading starts with the Merkabah, followed by Come To The Edge, and then the Swan. The Merkabah is described as a spiritual or energetic structure that can traverse dimensions and is essentially a vehicle in which we can energetically or consciously travel into higher spaces or into higher versions of ourselves. Come To The Edge alongside that feels like an invitation to start exploring other dimensions, or in this case with the contracts, getting in touch with some old soul friends. The image of the Swan shows the animal staring down at its own reflection in the water. On one level, this feels like divination, as for some of you this emphasis on Air and Water energy could be a prompt for intuitive exploration and spiritual communication. On another note, the Swan’s association with creativity and inspiration can point to some of you being guided to branch out into creative spaces or creative expression in general, as this form of inner travel could have you traversing dimensions in a different way, building worlds for yourself.

Following the Swan, Enterprise pops up and starts to highlight the element of creative expression and creative work here for everyone. For some of you, this is referring to art, but for some this could go into any kind of personal creation, design, building, invention, planning, and so on. This card, with the marked hand rising in the center, always feels so connected to fate and activation points that a person may experience throughout their lives, different points of progression or ascension. For some of you, the progression from the Swan to Enterprise shows definite uses of divination to explore or communicate higher aspects of the self, while for others this progress shows divine inspiration occurring through self-reflection which you then are able to put into action or bring to life through the hand of Enterprise.

Following this, the first set of astrological focus for Pile 3 starts with the Waning Gibbous Moon. This card talks about wanting to share knowledge that was recently acquired, be eager to share and express to your community. Something in this feels like a half-blown up water balloon, half water, half air, being poked and the water starting to spill out in a steady stream. It’s like the information, knowing, or inspiration will be turned on like a tap and you’ll just be flowing along with it in whatever way you deem fit.

You then have Hygiea, an asteroid heavily associated with hygiene, personal care, and self-love on all fronts. This space of Hygiea feels like a focal point of that lightweight energy I was feeling at the beginning of the reading. There is a softness to this space, as if it is a neutral, softly lit room for you to be in through Leo Season while you reflect and explore through the Swan and Eros.

This set is then ended with the Last Quarter Moon, which is really interesting as this marks a come down in the energy before a New Moon. It almost feels like a point in which you would be watching the space of Hygiea come down or slip away. Not in a destructive or negative way, just in a way that lets you know this was supposed to be temporary, this was supposed to be preparing you for something more to come. I don’t think you will struggle with this, but it does feel like a bit of a sad energy around watching something come to an end, or realizing this process doesn’t last forever.

In the top set, there is a highlight cast by the white of the Swan, which expands down and explodes into the space of Eros. I really wanted to point this out because when it comes to the aspect of contracts and friends, I keep seeing a person’s body as if they have been dipped into a fine white powder, or diamond dust. There’s this sense of baptism, rebirth, and adornment all at the same time. I think the energy of Hygiea is in this as well with the focus on the body, or the mental/energetic body, being purified or accentuated into something higher up.

In the second row, you have Cancer and the Balance card, expressing a really nice harmony between the internal world and external world, or between your spirit and your body, or your body/mind/spirit and environment. Again, Hygiea seems to extend into this space with that careful energy, a curation or harmony and attunement. These are then followed up with the well-illuminated Owl Spirit and Full Moon cards with the respective messages, “you see clearly now,” and “surrender to the divine.”

It feels like the Full Moon’s illumination, guidance from the Divine, your Guides, or your Higher Self, potentially reflecting the white, glittery energy of the Swan and Eros, is what allows the Owl, symbolic of the higher conscious mind, to see at night, to see in the dark, or to see through this process. This also gives way to the weightless feeling as this illumination is what allows the Owl to fly with confidence even at night.

Your second batch of astrological focus gives you Libra, the Moon, and the 8th House. The 8th House, the “black pond,” ruled by Scorpio, can be quite a heavy space, a dark space, a space of confusion, but certain people have special goggles they can wear or were lucky enough to be born with good eyes that help them to see through the muck and shadows. For you, with the illumination of the Owl and willing to self-reflect on those dark waters through the Swan, the 8th House starts to feel like an off-the-path shortcut to the 9th House.

Libra and the Moon both bring in the Air and Water energy again, Libra with Air and the Moon holding Cancer’s Water energy. The Moon feels quite soft here, reflecting the Full Moon’s guidance and support, while the optimistic but well balanced and clear-sighted Libra supplies not necessarily a hardness, but some kind of structure or backbone that allows for the sails to stay up straight while traversing the waters.

For your oracle cards, you have 111, Bloom, and Dimensions. This is really exciting to see as this does suggest a gateway or a point of entry. This affirms further that some of you will have a lot of luck with and be guided to explore divination and higher communication. Others, the aspect of Bloom with 111 gives way to creative expression and creation overall. On both sides, these three cards together show gateways through which you can “travel” through to connect with higher aspects, or that you will be divinely inspired through and transmit your creations from these higher levels down into our physical reality.

In the energetic space for Pile 3 through Leo Season, you have Judgment, the 9 of Pentacles, and the 7 of Swords. These three cards bring us back around to the matters of karma that were suggested with Scorpio and Contracts. Between the 9 of Pentacles and the 7 of Swords, there’s a juxtaposition between what is earned and what is stolen. Saturn, gatekeeper of the 10th House, is very mindful of people and how they go about getting into higher positions. He wants everyone to have everything they want and so much more than they need, but not those who don’t deserve it, not ones who are willing to steal from others. Whether than be a CEO “stealing” from employees and disgruntled employees “stealing” from their boss, anything taken from another’s hand has a price even if you think you’re taking it back.

For some of you, there may be a bit of a catch to this reward or payment of Eros, of the purification or adornment. Some of you may have to balance out some karmic debt over Leo Season, which may be something done through the Swan, through self-reflection and creative expression. It doesn’t seem to necessarily be about making amends with other people, or bending over backward to try and convince the sky that you’re the most morally upright person to ever exist, but rather it seems to be more focused on the mind, emotions, and energy around you and within you.

Harsh thoughts, energy, judgment, criticism, or aspects of projected self-superiority through the ego that is directed at other people, even if you don’t say it to their face, has an energetic price tag attached to it and that lower energy sticks to you like a bad smell. Being more self-focused, self-reflective, and focused on construction, building yourself up rather than tearing others or yourself down, is a crucial part to rebalancing and refocusing your energy, which can have a great influence on your karmic balance overall.

The difference between the 9 of Pentacles and the 7 of Swords can be put down to the conflict between the desire for the 9 of Pentacles and the actual acquisition of the 7 of Swords. The 9 of Pentacles here feels like a vision of what you want, something physical or superficial, but what you really end up getting are these swords of other people. This can represent thoughts or beliefs that belong to other people, as in negative thoughts about personal success, money, or potential, yours or that of another, being held over your desire to actually go for what you want. For some of you, stealing the swords is equivalent to stealing another person’s peace of mind, being the one to try and talk someone down, take away their success, validity, or humanity out of jealousy.

Again, these can be things you don’t necessarily DO to people, but the energy of these thoughts sit with you and can affect how you view yourself and your own potential. It’s kind of like what I say about people who demonize money and wealthy people in general — the standards and expectations you hold other people to will be the laws you eventually have to live by. To put the blame of evil on money itself in order to justify egoic projections of jealousy onto another person tricks your own brain into seeing personal success and value as a moral failing, a new age sin, which they then have to hold themselves back from, deny their elevation in life, all while screaming about what other people have.

In the internal space, you have the King of Cups and the King of Swords, split by the 5 of Swords in reverse. This again puts emphasis on Air and Water energy between the Kings, bringing this part of the reading more into the realms of thoughts and emotions. The Kings are high points of stability and self-control, and here they really feel like they are supporting each other, soothing each other as they explore their own parts, conscious and subconscious, internal and external observation.

The 5 of Swords in reverse in this deck warns you of holding back emotions or thoughts, saying they could explode out of you at any second. Here, this seems like exactly what the Kings want. They want to hold everything in so they can observe it, but when it is ready, they will let it out slowly and with care through Enterprise, through some form of creative expression or creation that will allow you to relay what you have discovered of yourself.

In the space of relationships, you have 5 of Wands and the Page of Wands, both in reverse, with The Hermit sitting on top of them. The Hermit sitting on top and really standing out against the other two cards shows that Leo Season will be a much more self-focused time for you where you will prioritize only the most positive and supportive connections that you have. The reversed 5 of Wands show a deliberate avoidance of confrontation or negative energy, and the reversed Page of Cups feels like a setting of personal emotional boundaries, essentially closing your cup off to certain people or issues that you don’t have the emotional space to hold.

Finally, in the space of physical and conscious influence and experience, you have the 5 of Swords, 6 of Wands, and the 8 of Pentacles. This set shows a gradual ascension into new spaces, new elements, that is subtle enough that you really may feel like you’re floating through the season and wake up next month not knowing how you got to where you are. The set starts with the 5 of Swords, showing an external infiltration of Air energy, of other peoples’ thoughts, feeling, arguments, some kind of personal tension in a communal space heading your way. Mirroring the reversed 5 of Wands in the previous set, this is something you are deliberately ignoring or avoiding. For some of you, this could be something that is unavoidable, something at home or work/school, but you still have it in your power to not engage.

When you do, when you “win” over this energy, you are celebrated and rewarded energetically with the 6 of Wands. This feels like energy flocking to you, on some level for protection to help keep that negative energy away from you as you mentally block it out, and on another, it feels like energy that is attracted to you based on the kind of focus you choose to have. Positive energy follows your choice to avoid negative thoughts, words, or engagements.

The energy of the 6 of Wands carries you into the 8 of Pentacles where you are able to work and focus with such a clear vision, this seems to reflect the space of personal creation, creative expression, as well as aspects of self-care or curating your environment in relation to Earth energy/Pentacles.
