Water Signs - Nov. 2020

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Astrological Focus: Uranus

Major Theme: Passion

Projected Influence: Deep Knowing

Throughout November Uranus is still going strong with its retrograde, moving from 8° to 7° of Taurus between the 1st and 30th. Significant occurrences with Uranus include: 

  • Uranus (R) in Taurus Quincunx Venus in Libra at 8° — Nov. 3

  • Uranus (R) in Taurus Opposite Mercury in Scorpio at 8° — Nov. 17

  • Uranus (R) in Taurus Opposite Venus in Scorpio at 7° — Nov. 27

  • Uranus (R) in Taurus Quincunx the Sun in Sagittarius at 7° — Nov. 29

Uranus is providing a very strong pulse of inner awakening throughout November, and one of this biggest influences that is carrying over is the conjunction of Uranus with the Full Moon in Taurus on the 31st of October. It is carrying very deep levels of contemplation towards the individual role in the collective experience and is triggering, or preparing to trigger great change that will come forward within the people. 

This being aligned with Passion and projected through Deep Knowing, it would seem that for the Water collective there is this reawakening or recharging of the soul, which provides a lot of clarity and definition to the slow-moving fog that has settled in over the last couple of months. There is a strong connection and rebalancing of the conscious mind with the unconscious mind, bringing the conscious level awareness into higher spaces by becoming more aware of the deeper aspects of the self in relation to the collective movement. In some ways, it feels like things are being ripped apart, like dough that is being kneaded too harshly and is starting to tear, but in other ways, it feels like a computer getting plugged in and the whole machine just sparking to life in a single instance. 

For more clarity and guidance, pay close attention to your natal Uranus. The Sign and House that it is in, as well as the aspects created with current transits, can help you move through November a bit easier. 

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Message From Uranus: The Star

Message From New Moon in Scorpio (23°, Nov. 15th): Knight of Wands

Message From Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini (8°, Nov. 30th): The High Priestess

The message from Uranus is contained in The Star, which seems fitting as The Star is the card of Aquarius, and Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius. The Star brings about divine inspiration and can spark opportunities and open doorways seemingly out of nowhere. There’s this feeling of a lot of support being put behind a clear vision towards change and personal evolution, especially when there is an element regarding higher purpose within the collective as well — essentially, there’s support for a wish being granted as long as that wish is coming from a good place, a place of passion. Ultimately, whether The Star sparks inspiration, higher awareness, a wish granted, or all three is dependent on how this influence interacts with you individually.

The New Moon in Scorpio carries a message through the Knight of Wands, an energy that goes back to passion and the spark of The Star. There is clarity, assuredness, drive, and passion all wrapped up in a sense of purpose or duty within the Knight that allows him to charge forward against any opposition or obstacles that he may face internally or externally. This New Moon, which holds an exact sextile to Jupiter in Capricorn (and Saturn and Pluto, of course), a loose trine to Neptune in Pisces, and a quincunx to the North Node in Gemini, could have the potential to smooth out a lot of the rough patches that have been present for the last few months, even if it’s just momentary relief that allows you to start moving. To me, this is coming off as an indication that whatever is put into action with this New Moon will be perpetual, it will move energetically even if you stop moving physically. For any of you that work with the moon and plan to set intentions, keep this in mind.

On the 30th of November, there will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, which will hold a trine to Chiron in Aries, and a very subtle trine to Mars in Aries as well. The sign of Aries will be charged up still from Mars going direct on the 13th and will apply stimulation to the eclipse. The High Priestess carries the message from this influence, and there is a very big focus on creating a balance between the logical and intuitive mind, the conscious and unconscious mind. Between Gemini and Sagittarius, the 3rd and 9th House there is an even match between the well defined and understood, and the forever expanding exploration. It feels like there is this kind of portal opening up there where things can turn inside out, which can be unpleasant in some cases but incredibly eye-opening in others. When this time comes, be in the space of The High Priestess, allow yourself to sit in the center of the spectrum, and simply observe what comes through for you. Align with Uranus a bit more and meditate with this energy, bring the mind to deeper parts of the self, and to higher parts of the collective awareness. It may be quite surprising what comes through for you. 

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External Guidance: Cow Spirit — The miracles are endless.

Internal Guidance: Third Quarter Moon — adjustments are required.

As I said, it can be surprising what comes through for you with that eclipse, and it can be surprising what comes along from Uranus with that Star energy as well. The Cow Spirit, which carries a message for the Water’s collective external guidance, is a reassurance, a kind of guarantee even for some that November will carry certain shifts, evolutions, advancements, progressions that may, both individually and collectively, seem impossible or improbable now. This is also reassurance for the aspect of all of what comes along this month being something of healing or nurturing source, even if it doesn’t seem like it superficially. Such as what I mentioned about the dough being kneaded aggressively to the point that it rips — here it’s like the idea of a crooked spine needing to be broken in order to be aligned and made straight for better functionality. Try to hold that in your higher awareness if things get a bit stressful — don’t repress anything, don’t deny yourself the ability to feel or be aware of negativity, but also try not to let it drag you down to a point where the Fire that builds up with the Knight of Wands is drowned out. Try to keep your head above water.

The Internal Guidance, which can provide something general for all of you to work on individually, has the Third Quarter Moon, carrying the message, “adjustments are required.” This can relate to personal deep dives, working on self-awareness, and reassessing some things internally in order to make sure that your perception and perspective specifically are as clear as they can be. I keep seeing it as someone going up to their attic to wipe and polish an old dusty telescope in order to later observe how the light of the stars and the light of a cityscape mirror each other. It’s making sure that you have the highest perspective you can have for where you are now (the attic of the house), that you have an unobstructed vision (polished telescope), and that you are mindful of all levels at which you can observe (stars and city lights). Things just need to be tweaked a little bit, the lenses need to be refocused in order to be sure that you are able to see the patterns and reflections between many layers, and from there be able to understand your place in all of it. For some, this is really focused on ensuring that you have an objective perspective and not one influenced by the ego, deeper emotions, or conscious level conditioning. 

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  • Seduction (Jupiter in Pisces) // 2 of Cups

  • Innovation (Jupiter in Aquarius) // King of Cups

  • Decision (Mars in Gemini) + Domination (Mars in Sagittarius) // Temperance

In relation to the Messages readings above, Seduction is connected to The Star, Innovation is connected to the Knight of Wands, and Decision with Domination is connected to The High Priestess. The Star was the message from Uranus and Seduction here really reflects the sentiment of divine inspiration, expanding the awareness, acting in a manner that evolves the current situation. In Seduction, Eve picks the apple from the tree and is surrounded by symbols associated with advancements in knowledge, as well as a symbol that directly connects to The High Priestess. This is then reflected on a more superficial and conscious level in the 2 of Cups, which become more about tempting exchanges of knowledge and awareness. 

With this I was seeing someone choosing to observe opposing perspectives, listening to someone speak against their own position for no other reason than wanting to understand the other side. In doing so, it creates a map of logic or a better understanding of the other side’s way of thinking which then allows for communication to improve down the line. It comes off like this rebellious compromise, like dining with the enemy but with the intention of eventually coming around to some kind of equal settlement. It’s very interesting when you think of that in relation to Uranus.

Innovation connects back to the Knight of Wands and does carry over from the energy of Seduction as well. It’s as if the “rebellious compromise” is the mission of the Knight of Wands, however, the Knight is painted as being the individual, while the King of Cups there is painted as being a collective effort, a solid formation that carries out and ensures innovation for the collective. I mentioned before that for some of you, an objective perspective with little influence from the ego, emotions, or conditioning is something to work on, and that’s what the King of Cups is vibing with here. He’s kind of holding the water steady overall so that the individual Knights of Fire can move ahead with as much clarity as possible. This kind of makes it feel like, on a higher level, Water Signs will be working for the collective in November, acting as conduits of stability and release for others just as they do for themselves. 

Finally, at the end there, Dominance and Decision connect back to the message of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which was shown through The High Priestess. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will occur with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Gemini, and as I mentioned before, the eclipse will be stimulated heavily by a trine to Mars and Chiron in Aries, which will be amplified by Mars having gone direct two weeks prior. These influences are directly displayed with Dominance being Mars in Sagittarius, and Decision being Mars in Gemini. These are accompanied by Temperance, an active energy that works towards balance and compromise, just as The High Priestess was. 

This is a call to look at the specifics of Dominance, of the need to control and force people into the same position or mindset as you, along with the aspects of Decision which pertain to mental manipulation and coercion, outsmarting another person through communication. Think of this and Temperance in relation to the 2 of Cups. If you imagine that rather than fully going in with literal domination and manipulation, and instead “dining with the enemy,” getting their cup as it is shown in the 2 of Cups to set up right next to your cup, and then taking them and mixing the contents together, which is shown in Temperance, you find the actual balance. You are able to observe, from a higher perspective, what aspects mix and what do not, where there are bridges that can be crossed, and where bridges have clearly be burned. All of which can go into helping communication advance down the line.
